Author: Aiman Usman

She is a pharmacy graduate and worked as a hospital pharmacist. Her interests are teaching, blogging, and scientific writings. She likes to write about medicines, health issues, health and beauty-related natural remedies, the nutritional value of different foods, and mental health.

Are you the one who feel lethargic all the time? And want to get some super-powers to be active 24/7? Then you must know the answer to how to increase stamina! Everyone wants to be extra energetic. You always want to remain active and fresh, even after a hectic day. This energy is basically your stamina. It allows you to do physical and mental work for a longer period. Stamina can not only link to physical exertion rather it also explains the mental exertion that helps to manage stressful situations. So, increasing stamina is everyone’s dream. Here are some easy…

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The diagnosis of a brain tumor is always considered as fatal. But there are a variety of brain tumors and not all of them are malignant (cancerous). A brain tumor is a mass or abnormal growth in your brain. Some brain tumors are benign in nature and some are malignant. Another classification is according to their primary site. If the brain tumor begins in your brain, it is known as a primary brain tumor. And when cancer starts in other parts of the body and spreads to the brain, it is known as a secondary or metastatic brain tumor. If…

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Pregnancy is not an easy journey. With a lot of other physiological changes, one of them is having a persistent headache during pregnancy. But during pregnancy, you have very little choice of taking medicines. That’s why bearing this pain along with other pregnancy-related problems is not an easy task. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore this problematic situation. Because it affects you in so many ways. It alters your sleep-wake cycle and reduces your appetite. Consequently, your overall health is affected by this headache. So, you need to consult your doctor about it. You can consult the best gynecologist…

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Have you ever noticed people having both nostrils with different shapes? This is due to the physiological changes in the septum of the nose. The nasal septum is a partition made of cartilage between the nasal cavity dividing it into two parts. The deviated nasal septum is the displacement of this septum. It is not a harmful condition unless or until it causes any complication. It is a very common disorder of the nose. ENT surgeons can diagnose and treat this condition. You can consult the best ENT surgeons in Karachi through Marham. What is the cause of deviated nasal…

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You must have suffered from sore throat once in your life. One of the reasons behind the sore throat is throat infections. Throat infections are as common as a headache. But all throat infections are not the same. The cause behind them is usually different. The irritation or scratchiness in the throat is the condition that is known as a sore throat. You must have noticed that sometimes this soreness needs treatment and sometimes it subsides on its own. You can consult the best general physician in Karachi if you have this type of symptoms. What are the causes of…

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It is still a stigma to consider males as infertile. A lot of couples who are struggling with infertility still blame females for this issue. But the reality is something different! Infertility in males is a real health issue. Infertility is not something that can be referred to only one gender i-e females rather one-third of the infertile cases are due to male infertility. Male infertility means a man is not capable to start pregnancy with his female partner. A lot of causes can be behind this problem. And the majority of them are treatable. But the main concern is…

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Diarrhea is one of the many common diseases of children. And it is one of the major causes of death in infants. According to the Center for Disease Control, Diarrhea kills 2,195 children every day—more than AIDS, malaria, and measles combined. Even though it is a treatable and avoidable ailment, still the mortality rate due to diarrhea is very high in children. Diarrhea is a condition in which patients suffer from frequent and loose stools. The severity of diarrhea can be determined by the frequency of motions. The main complication due to diarrhea is dehydration. That may lead to serious…

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If you are here to know the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure, sorry! I can’t help you to be precise. Because I am not your sphygmomanometer! Only a sphygmomanometer can exactly tell you about the rise in blood pressure. As the high blood pressure in most of the cases is symptomless. That’s why It is known as a silent killer. But sometimes you experience one or two symptoms and in rare cases all the following symptoms, you should take it seriously. Having high blood pressure is a life-threatening condition. And ignoring its symptoms can be dangerous. You can…

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Have you ever been through a situation in which you spent your whole night with severe tooth pain? And you felt so helpless because you can’t visit the hospital at that time with that unbearable pain…? Tooth pain is a common problem that all of us face once in our life. And usually, it starts at odd times like late at night. However, it is not a life-threatening problem, but it is a very annoying thing that can’t let you sleep peacefully. So, everyone needs to know some useful remedies that are easily available at home for toothache. And if…

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Are you feeling low and fatigued all the time? And you don’t understand the reason behind it. When you are clueless about the reason behind your tiredness, you might need your blood vitamin D levels to get tested! Vitamin D is an essential vitamin and its deficiency is a global problem nowadays. Normally we can get vitamin D through dairy and meat. But its daily requirement does not meet with the diet. The daily intake requirement is 400-800 IU. Its deficiency is very common and according to research, 1 billion people are deficient with this vitamin. You can consult the…

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