Author: Javeria Adil Chughtai

A journalist and a medical researcher by profession, badminton player and photographer by passion. You can call me an artist but No, I can't draw you! :D

The Tips And Tricks Select a mild or a natural cleanser that suits your skin type Use an exfoliator regularly to scrub off your dead skin Use a sunblock regularly Sleep for at least six hours Drink six to eight glasses of water or liquids per day Reduce the use of caffeinated drinks such as tea, and coffee Keep the skin moisturized and avoid heavily perfumed products Wear cotton or other natural fiber cloths that are gentle to the skin Remove all the makeup before going you go to sleep Eat healthily. Include fresh vegetables and salads to your diet…

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Since January 2020, we have heard a lot more about COVID19 than we have heard of anything else. Various studies, various researches and so many views by the doctors have left us very confused. In that case, many misconceptions take place and people are forced to believe in the misleading information that they receive. During this time there were a lot of myths surfacing about the precautionary measures and whether if COVID19 exists or not. But, here’s the reason why not to believe in these COVID19 myths. 1. It Is No Danger To Health As we all heard a lot…

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As we know there are various different and unique conditions in the world that human experiences. Be it related to the body or brain, these conditions sometimes consist of both of our brain and the body. Just like other syndromes that humans experience, there is a syndrome known as an Alien Hand Syndrome. This syndrome is a rare neurological condition which can make one of our hand to act on its own. It is not signaled by us. The Alien Hand Syndrome makes our hand function on its own as it has a brain and makes it function individually. Isn’t…

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October 20, 2020: As we are almost a year into this pandemic, the back-to-back researches that are being done which certainly means to help us out in the best way. But, many end up leaving us confused instead. Similarly, we see new studies and researches every day. Be it covid19 or any other disease, there are various studies denying the ones that have been done before. Just like that, according to the latest study that has been done, mouthwashes that are antiseptic may have the ability to inactivate COVID19 germs. The research done at the Penn State College of Medicine…

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Here are the links to the three best articles to enable you to prepare well for upcoming winters. How To Prevent Allergic Cough And Cold In The Winter? How Can I Reduce Symptoms From My Winter Allergies? Tips To Manage Winter Allergies If you still require to consult an allergy specialist now or during the winters, you can talk to our specialists from the comfort of your home through the links provided in the article. We will be looking forward to helping you to connect to your doctor from home, get medicines at your address, and have the lab samples…

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October 19, 2020: According to the new studies that have been in works lung cancer can bring us very common symptoms in our everyday life which we do not pay attention to a lot. The type of lung cancer which is also known as Superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) involves the center of our chest. SVCS is recently studied and is said to cause a lot of swelling in our neck and shoulders. This can prove to be serious, but treatable in adults. Whereas in children, it can be life-threatening and fatal. Superior Vena Cava Syndrome is caused by a…

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News Courtesy CNN As per the three new reports, the COVID19 immunity can last a lot longer than it was expected at first. The research says, the COVID19 immunity can last for months or maybe even longer than that. According to the new research, mostly people who have recovered from COVID19 infection can be protected for at least a good period of time. Whereas the vaccines, they are said to only protect people for weeks only. One of these three studies say, that those people who have recovered from the COVID19 virus produce the antibodies that protect against infection and…

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OCTOBER 15, 2020: COVID-19 continues to cause upsets all around the world, the only hope we’re now surviving on is the vaccination. Despite all the efforts being done for the COVID-19 vaccine and all those clinical trials and hopes for initial experiments this year, The Chief of WHO Soumya Swaminathan said that speedy, mass shots were are not very likely. Once the COVID-19 vaccine is out, the first ones to receive it will be the health care workers, and front-line workers, but even there, you need to define which of them are at highest risk, and then the elderly, and…

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ISLAMABAD October 13, 2020: The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan had a conversation with the Prime Minister of Australia Scott Morrison over the telephone on Monday. During the conversation, both of the prime ministers discussed the bilateral and international issues which were of mutual interest. According to the prime minister of Australia, how Pakistan handled this pandemic, despite being a developing country, is remarkable. The government of Pakistan, after the complete lockdown was lifted, worked on a strategy which was The ‘smart lockdown’ which proved to be a lot helpful. Moreover, other precautionary measures were also taken by the…

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KARACHI October 12. 2020: We aren’t yet done fighting with COVID19 and then it is time that we’re already alarmed about the rising cases of dengue too. According to the Sindh health department, they have been continuously experiencing a rise in the Dengue cases in Karachi. The city recorded approximately recorded 480 infections in the past month alone. The report says the East district of Karachi is the most affected area as 222 cases were from that end alone. Indicating Gulshan-e-Iqbal and Jamshed Town as the red zones for dengue. Cases that were reported this month in Karachi. The cases…

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