1 Best Liver Specialists In Gulberg 3 Lahore

About Liver Specialist

Finding a Liver Specialist in Gulberg 3, Lahore, was never easier. There are 1 Liver Specialist serving in the Gulberg 3 area of Lahore. All of them are experts in dealing with various health conditions. Liver Specialists treat problems like Hepatitis, Hepatobiliary Liver Cancer and Gall Bladder Cancer etc.

Commonly treated issues by Liver Specialists in Gulberg 3 are as follows:

  • Hepatitis
  • Gall Bladder Cancer
  • Hepatobiliary Liver Cancer

Liver Specialists offer the following services:

  • Haemochromatosis
  • Colonoscopy
  • Rfa
  • Liver Transplant
  • Opening Of Esophageal Stricture
  • Endoscopic Ultrasound
  • Sigmoidoscopy
  • Biopsy
  • Mrcp
  • Liver Surgery

Marham provides its patients with a variety of renowned Liver Specialist in Gulberg 3, Lahore. Select a Liver Specialist in Gulberg 3 based on their patient satisfaction rating and schedule an appointment or online consultation. Following are the top Liver Specialists, according to the patient feedback, in the Gulberg 3 area of Lahore:

  • Prof. Dr. Syed Sibt Al Hasnain practicing in Syed Sibt Al Hasnian Clinic

Frequently Asked Questions

Liver Specialists specialists in Gulberg 3 Lahore provide the best services and treat issues like Biopsy, Colonoscopy, Endoscopic Ultrasound, Ercp Test, Haemochromatosis, Liver Surgery, Liver Transplant, Mrcp, Opening Of Esophageal Stricture, Rfa, Sigmoidoscopy

The fee of a Liver Specialist in Gulberg 3 Lahore ranges from PKR 500 to PKR 3000.

The following is the list of best Liver Specialists in Gulberg 3 Lahore:

  1. Prof. Dr. Syed Sibt Al Hasnain

You can choose a Liver Specialist in Lahore based on their experience, patient reviews, services, qualification, and locations.

You can book an appointment online by visiting the doctor’s profile, or call our Marham helpline: 03111222398 to book your appointment.

Top Liver Specialists in Gulberg 3 Lahore are:

  1. Dr. Muhammad Zakria
  2. Asst. Prof. Dr. Hussam Ahmed
  3. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Israr Ul Haq

By selecting your location from the filters bar, you can find a right Liver Specialist in Gulberg 3 Lahore.

The following Liver Specialists are available in Gulberg 3 Lahore today: