0 Best Doctors For Sleep Disturbances In Malakand

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How can I find treatment of Sleep Disturbances?

Sleep disorders are a group of medical conditions that make it difficult to sleep well regularly. Sleep disorders are becoming more common, whether caused by a medical condition or excessive stress. Most people experience occasional sleeping difficulties due to stress, hectic schedules, and other external influences. These issues, however, may indicate a sleeping disorder if they become frequent and interfere with daily life. Depending on the type of sleep disturbance, people with sleep disorders may have difficulty falling asleep and feeling extremely tired throughout the day. Sleep deprivation can impair energy levels, mood, concentration, and overall health.

Sleep Disturbances Facts and Figures

According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, around 30 to 48% of older adults have insomnia. Some further facts and statistics about sleep problems have been listed below:

Prevalence of Sleep Problems Worldwide 1.6% to 56.0%
Common inAdults
At-Risk GenderMales
Average Age for DiagnosisAfter 50 years
Problems related to Sleep DisturbancesInsomnia, Restless leg syndrome, Sleep Apnea
Specialists Who Treat Sleep DisturbancesGeneral Physicians / Neurologists