0 Best Neurologists In Garden Town Wah Cantt

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About Neurologist

Finding a Neurologist in Garden Town, Wah Cantt, was never easier. There are 0 Neurologist serving in the Garden Town area of Wah Cantt. All of them are experts in dealing with various health conditions. Neurologists treat problems like Bacterial Meningitis, Facial Palsy and Alzheimers Disease etc.

Commonly treated issues by Neurologists in Garden Town are as follows:

  • Epilepsy
  • Facial Palsy
  • Migraine
  • Paralysis
  • Alzheimers Disease
  • Bacterial Meningitis
  • Brain Tumor

Neurologists offer the following services:

Marham provides its patients with a variety of renowned Neurologist in Garden Town, Wah Cantt. Select a Neurologist in Garden Town based on their patient satisfaction rating and schedule an appointment or online consultation. Following are the top Neurologists, according to the patient feedback, in the Garden Town area of Wah Cantt:

    Frequently Asked Questions

    The following are the 5 best Neurologists in Wah Cantt:

      You can book an appointment online by visiting the doctor’s profile, or call our Marham helpline: 03111222398 to book your appointment.

      There are no additional fees for booking an appointment or consulting online with Marham. You only have to pay the doctor's fees.

      You can choose a Neurologist based on their experience, patient reviews, services, qualification, and locations.

      The fee of the male and female Neurologist in Wah Cantt ranges from PKR 500 to PKR 3000.

      By selecting your location from the filters bar, you can find the most experienced and top Neurologist in Wah Cantt.

      The following Neurologists are available in Garden Town Wah Cantt today:

        There are many medical conditions that resemble symptoms of depression. The best neurologist can help confirm the diagnosis of depression. Depression-like symptoms are common in adults with substance abuse problems, drug side effects, medical problems, or other mental health problems.

        During your first appointment, your neurologist will ask you to take part in a physical and neurological examination. Neurological tests will be performed that measure muscle strength, sensation, reflex action, and coordination. Due to the complex function of your nervous system, you probably need to undergo additional testing for a better understanding of your problem.

        Neurologists diagnose long-term seizure conditions, such as epilepsy. Once the condition has been diagnosed, a neurologist can prescribe medications according to symptoms and treatments in order to help control seizures quickly.

        It is recommended to consult a neurologist in Wah Cantt if you have a severe headache or accompanying symptoms that interfere with your life. A good thing to do is to make an appointment with a certified and well-experienced neurologist if your headache lasts for more than a day or two.  


        Here's a list of the top 10 Neurologists/Neuro Physicians in Wah Cantt: