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Asking for Self, Male, 26 years old, Lahore
Yesterday I have had my root canal done, now only the process of crowning is left. But I am unable chew food properly because of the gap which appeared after the procedure. And that gap is being caused by the teeth on which the root canal has been done. I want to know is it because of the swelling or it requires adjustment ?
I don't understand what u mean by gap.
it will take some time to heal,also it depends on how the rct went
The gap must have been produced by the dentist in order to prevent occulusal trauma if there is some apical lesion. Now wait for few days and get crown on that tooth as soon as it become painless that will resolve your issue
If root canal is not completed then it is surely due to the rct procedure and if Rct is completed with multiple visits then it may be due to not having crown or left infection or gum pocket or few other reasons which will be revealed by the dental xray.
It must be due to the shaping which the doctor has done ,in case he has prepared the tooth for tht case gap will be eliminated after crown cementation.
And if your dentist hasnt shaped the tooth for the crowning yet, thn he must have reduced the chewing surface this case the gap will be eliminated after crowning...
If there is any gum swelling it will heal within few days the dentist has prescribed you any medicines pleas take them regularly ..... Regarding the gap ...... it’s not clear where the gap is .... it’s better to visit the same dentist for consultation .
Aoa. What I got that it may be due to food impaction in gaps between the treated tooth/teeth and adjacent healthy teeth. To get the treated teeth crowned is the most appropriate solution as it's looking from your statement. Consult your dentist who has carried out procedures, he will surely fix this issue.
To fill this gap Crown required better to visit dentist and get your crown done as well.
For proper diagnosis and advise, pleases enclose the post RCT x-ray with the e - mail. If you have pain after root canal treatment,then post operative radiographic is mandatory before giving crown. Thank you but in case of mild pain many a times the healing of tissues surrounding the root Apex of tooth takes time, better to wait for at least two weeks for crown.
As far as my understanding some dentist remove tooth from occlusion, it means they intentionally create this gap. But yes if you are feeling pain then visit your dentist and do not your crowning done before you are pain free.
If by gap u mean that your other teeth do not meet and there is gap between other teeth.. In other words yourbrct treated tooth is high and is not letting other teeth to meet then, go back to that dentist as soon as possible to adjust it.
After crowning it will be adjusted.
Try using a pain killer for two the pain or discomfort still persist then you may check either there is some kind of infection or crown that tooth if pain symptoms are not relieved..
I advise you to visit a dentist for detail diagnosis and treatment plan.
Aoa. It might have have been caused by the unbalanced filling. There might be high spot which is not allowing other teeth to be closed properly . visit your dentist asap. Thanks.
I would advise you to wait around 1week before you get the crown done. At times the tooth becomes a bit tender after rct due to inflammation of the supporting tissues of the tooth. If the root canal is done properly the pain will get settled in a few days, after that you can get the crown done
AoA. I suggest you to visit your dentist as per his instructions and the swelling will settle down in a few days. Get the crowning done asap to prevent any kind of complications.
Salam. You should visit your dentist and get the crowning done soon. The temporary filling must have excavated out thats why your canal is exposed and will cause pain and swelling. Get your crowning down soon.
Yes its possible the rct treated tooth has some highspots in the filling, get it adjusted by your dentist
Yes the gap is due to filling fracture filled after completing rct..u need the filling to be redone and gap should be completely chek the tooth by taking food on its not causing pain get it crowned.
Its a high spot. In the filling which i inderstood fron ur previous reply it checked by the dentist .. it will be fine
Just go back to your dentist he will adjust it..!
Just go back to your dentist he will adjust it..!
Just go back to your dentist he will adjust it..!
Very minute gap between teeth after RCT is understandable, but it shouldn't stop you from eating on that side. Any way you can continue to eat with the help of rest of the teeth on that side. After having a crown, your complaint should disappear.
If the patient is having pain after RCT we wait for some time before we put on crown .
But if there is no pain we immediately put on crown .
As it is a must thing after RCT .
Ur gap must be the prep he has done before insertion of crown .
So just go back to him .
He will fix it .
Post Owner
I cannot close my jaw, because of the teeth on which the procedure has been done. The teeth has become slightly taller than the others.
5 years ago
BDS, RDS, MCPS (Oral Surgery), FICCDE (Singapore) | Karachi | Book Appointment
it might b due to filling after back to your dentist he will adjust it
5 years ago