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Asking for Father, Male, 65 years old, Faisalabad
Since 5 days he was unable to hold anything from right hand so we went for CT scan and there are hypodensities. Kindly tell if this could be treated and how problematic is this.
It's ischemia firstly consult neurophysician and get her checked in good hospital ischemia can be cured
Brain infarcts has many risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol etc which requires full work up and investigations. As far as treatment of hand is concerned he needs good physiotherapy along with other medications, it may recover but to how much extent that’s difficult to predict.
How about his diabetic and bp record! Start disprin 300 mg once daily for 14 days and then switch to tab lowplat 75/75 once daily , tab xplended 20 mg before sleep , continue your already bp medication if not controlled let me know ! And start physiotherapy as soon as possible for quick recovery !
once infarct is there u cant do much but. yes physiotherapy muscle strengthening pills n xercises thinners if bp is the cause .anti hypertensive and mucus removers dietary fibres
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Assalamualaikum. Please send more reports and previous dr prescriptions on my whatsapp: Zero three one five five zero five five zero zero two. Wassalam.
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