0 Best Doctors For Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS) In G 8, Islamabad

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How can I find treatment of Nerve Conduction Studies Ncs?

Book consultation with the best doctor for Nerve conduction studies in G 8 Islamabad through Marham. These specialists for NCS perform the test using up-to-date technology to ensure reliable test results. You can also book online doctor appointment for the best nerve conduction studies in Islamabad to get discounts. Call us to know the Nerve conduction Studies price in Islamabad.

What are Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)?

Nerve conduction studies are tests performed to identify nerve and muscle damage. NCS measures how quickly the electrical impulse transmits through the nerves including motor, sensory, and mixed nerves. During the studies, two electrodes are connected to the body. One of them works to stimulate the nerve while the other records the electrical activity. These electrodes interchange their function throughout the process of measuring nerve velocity.

What is the Nerve Conduction Studies test cost in Islamabad?

Nerve Conduction Studies price in Islamabad depends on the doctor and the number of limbs involved in the test. The consultation fee of the best doctors for NCS ranges between 500-3000 PKR.

How long does a Nerve Conduction test take?

Nerve conduction Studies take 20-30 minutes for one limb. If the nerve velocity is tested for both limbs, it can take upto one hour to complete the test. Mild discomfort can occur during or after the test but you continue your normal activities.

Why do you need NCS?

The doctor can recommend you a nerve conduction test if you are experiencing symptoms such as muscle weakness or tingling sensations. NCS diagnoses muscular disorders and nerve damage. You can book your appointment for NCS with the best doctors listed at Marham.

What are the benefits of Nerve Conduction Studies?

Nerve Conduction Studies are important to diagnose various illnesses at early stages to avoid any complications. If the symptoms of nerve and muscle damage are present, NCS diagnoses the underlying conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome, herniated disc, myasthenia gravis, and muscular dystrophy. If the nerve conduction velocity is normal, it rules out chronic illnesses.

How to book an appointment for the best Nerve conduction Studies in G 8 Islamabad?

You can book your appointment with the best Nerve conduction studies specialist in Islamabad through Marham. We have listed the best doctors for NCS based on their qualifications, experience, clinic location, and fees.

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