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Asking For Other, Male 5, gujrat
My son is 5 years old and he is a normal child but he has speech delay issues. What should I do to resolve this issue
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speech therapsits are available to address your issue
Get Speech Therapist consultation
Post Owner
Can you suggest some activities which we can do at home?
8 months ago
firstly, how you can address it has speech issues. secondly, in priority evaluation your child under supervision of speech therapist because your child has 5 years. in the instance quiet the screen time.
Post Owner
Can you suggest some activities which we can do at home?
8 months ago
consult speech therapist.
Post Owner
Can you suggest some activities which we can do at home?
8 months ago
MSc Applied Psychology, MS in Speech Language & Pathology/Therapy | Abbottabad | Book Appointment
first you indentify cause of language delay thn i refer some of activity.
8 months ago
consult a best speech pathologists from marham and take daily base speech session
Post Owner
Can you suggest some activities which we can do at home?
8 months ago
u should consult speech language pathologist... he needs oral motor exercises and speech sessions
Post Owner
Can you suggest some activities which we can do at home?
8 months ago
contact me at 042-32591427, for appointment
and u also take session online
you should visit the speech therapist regarding his speech and behaviour issues
first u shud check his hearing,ear problem.reduce screen time,mobile,TV.increase peer play time,eye contact.use more n more action words,action poems.action cards.concepts;body parts,up.down.big cold.good bad toys.u can consult speech therapist of ur town.
MSc. Sociology, Post Graduation in Speech Language Pathology, Advance Diploma Physio Therapy | Sialkot | Book Appointment
ok.u can consult a speech therapist
8 months ago
Post Owner
I believe I can be a better mentor for my child but I need guidance first
8 months ago
You need to consult speech therapist for his issue. With proper assessment and history can guide better.
1 month me hi words bolny lgy ga inshallah ap pareshan na hon detail bat kr lain kindly book appointment with me ap k bety ko thori si medicine ki zaroorat Hy is se jldi bahtari hony lgy gi
Post Owner
I'm from Gujrat
8 months ago
MBBS | Multan | Book Appointment
online therapists available, would you like to join them?
8 months ago
Post Owner
I didn't have a good experience in the past that's why I want to do it at home by myself
8 months ago
MBBS | Multan | Book Appointment
sure ma'am, stay blessed
8 months ago