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Asking For Self, Male 21, Lahore
From the last 2 months, I cannot get any erection and no morning wood. The penis feels lifeless and weightless like it's not even present there. Its flaccid size has decreased(shrunk) and the organ's skin including that of testicles have become extremely loose. This all happened after an aggressive masturbation session. All the doctors I have been to have been unable to diagnose my problem and a few of them even said that it's psychological and stress related. I have been taking homeopathic medicines too but no improvement. On the contrary, the condition is worsening. Please help me out. I'm in desperate need of help and this condition has affected my social life adversely and my self esteem has hit ground zero. Also from the last 2 weeks, I'm getting face swelling and loose skin and formation of a flab on back of my neck. Please help
Left homeopathic medicine urgently it leads to kidney failure you ll b on
dialysis within some months. Problem you had mentioned are not sexual its
just your thinking so feel healthy take proper diet including vegetables
avoid masturabtion and other bad habbits.
Visit doctors hospital from 6-8pm
Post Owner
With due respect, how can it be related to thinking when I can see visual changes sir?
6 years ago