Body Sculpting With Liposuction

Body Sculpting With Liposuction

Body sculpting with liposuction is a beauty method that removes extra fat deposits from specific body regions to improve its form and contour. During the technique, a skinny, hollow tube called a cannula is used to suction out undesirable fat cells from centered regions together with the stomach, thighs, hips, or fingers. Body sculpting with liposuction can cause a more defined and proportionate appearance. Still, it isn't always a substitute for weight reduction and is ideal for individuals near their perfect body weight.

What is the fee for Body Sculpting with Liposuction?

The fee for a Body Sculpting with Liposuction in Pakistan costs 100,000-300,000 PKR. Depending on the kind of physician you select, the charge of this process may also change.

What diagnosis leads to Body Sculpting with Liposuction?

Some common concerns that may prompt individuals to consider body sculpting with liposuction include:

  • Unwanted fat deposits in the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms, chin, or neck.

  • The desire for a more defined and contoured body shape.

  • Difficulty losing fat from certain areas despite diet and exercise.

  • A desire to achieve a more balanced and proportionate figure.

What is the Procedure for Body Sculpting with Liposuction?

The procedure for body sculpting with liposuction is as follows:

  • Consultation: The procedure starts with a session of a board-certified plastic physician to assess the patient's body, and they discuss their cosmetic expectations.

  • Anesthesia: On the day of the process, the patient is administered either local anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure their consolation throughout the surgery.

  • Incision: Small incisions are made near the treatment regions to insert a skinny, hole tube known as a cannula.

  • Fat Removal: The surgeon inserts the cannula through the incisions and uses a controlled back-and-forth motion to loosen and suction out excess fat deposits from targeted areas.

  • Contouring: The surgeon sculpts the treated areas to achieve the desired body contour and symmetry during the fat removal process.

  • Incision Closure: Once the fat removal is complete, the incisions are closed with sutures, or adhesive strips or left to heal naturally, depending on the technique used.

  • Recovery: Patients are monitored in a recovery area and may wear compression garments to minimize swelling and support healing.

What are the Risks & Complications Associated with Body Sculpting with Liposuction?

Here are the risks and complications associated with body sculpting with liposuction:

  • Bruising and Swelling

  • Pain and Discomfort

  • Infection

  • Bleeding

  • Asymmetry

  • Skin Irregularities

  • Fluid Accumulation (Seroma)

  • Numbness or Sensation Changes

  • Contour Irregularities

  • Organ or Nerve Damage

  • Blood Clots (Thrombosis)

  • Anesthesia Complications

  • Unsatisfactory Results

  • Recovery Issues

  • Cardiac and Pulmonary Complications

What to Expect After Body Sculpting with Liposuction?

After body sculpting with liposuction, patients can assume mild to slight bruising and swelling in the treated areas, which generally subsides over a few weeks. Full restoration may additionally take several weeks, all through which soft garments can be worn to aid the healing process and optimize the outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to book an online surgical procedure through or you can also call us at 04232591427 or 0311-1222398 from 9 am - 11 pm to book an online lab test.

Cost varies depending on the type of surgery and locality.

Yes Body Sculpting With Liposuction surgery available in Pakistan?

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