Laser hair removal is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses a laser beam to target and damage hair follicles, reducing or delaying hair growth. The process involves aiming a concentrated light at hair, which the pigment absorbs, heating up and damaging the follicle. Laser hair removal requires multiple sessions for the best results. While the procedure can effectively reduce hair growth, it doesn't guarantee permanent removal and might require maintenance sessions.
The cost of laser hair removal surgery in Pakistan ranges between 50,000-1500,000 PKR. The exact cost can vary depending on the body parts requiring the procedure and the doctor you consult.
Laser hair removal is primarily a cosmetic procedure, often chosen by individuals who desire to reduce or eliminate unwanted hair. A few medical conditions requiring the surgery include;
Psudofolliculitis Barbae or Razor bumps
Pilonidal cysts
Recurrent inflammation of follicles
Laser hair removal surgery requires proper preparatory steps before the actual surgery begins.
The patient is advised to avoid sun exposure, waxing, plucking, or electrolyzing the intended areas.
Shave the areas one or two days before to ensure the laser targets the hair roots effectively.
The doctor removes makeup or lotion and deeply cleans the skin to begin the procedure.
The laser device is adjusted according to the color, thickness, and location of the hair being treated and your skin color. The device emits a concentrated beam of light, which the pigment in the hair follicles absorbs, destroying the hair.
The procedure is continued until the intended intensity is reached.
The same process is repeated under various sessions until the procedure is completed.
Mild swelling and redness are common after laser hair removal surgery which resolves within a few hours. Skin blistering, pigmentation, or scarring may also occur in a few people. Ice or other cooling agents can be applied to soothe the discomfort. Multiple sessions, usually 4-6 weeks apart, are required to achieve the intended results. Also, expect the falling of the treated hair after a few days.
View Surgeries to book an online surgical procedure through or you can also call us at 042-32591427 or 0311-1222398 from 9 am - 11 pm to book an online lab test.
Cost varies depending on the type of surgery and locality.
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