Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD) Without Labor is also called precipitous birth or unassisted birth. It is a procedure in which a baby is delivered through the mother's vagina without active labor. In this way, the birth happens suddenly and rapidly. It occurs when the baby descends and passes through the birth canal without gradual dilation and cervical effacement.
This procedure does not require induction equipment such as - a vacuum pump, dinoprostone vaginal insert, or any other aids. It is estimated that the baby is born after three hours of uterine contraction in SVD.
The consultation fee of the gynecologist for spontaneous vaginal delivery (SVD) ranges between 1000-3000 PKR. This cost varies depending on the doctor chosen.
The following factors lead to spontaneous vaginal delivery:
Healthy pregnancy without significant complications or medical conditions
Favorable fetal position with the head towards the pelvis
Appropriate shape and size of mother's pelvis
Regular and coordinated contractions that effectively dilate the cervix
A successful history of previous vaginal deliveries
Absence of obstetric complications such as - placenta previa, placental abruption, or fetal distress
The procedure for Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD) involves the natural process of labor and childbirth, where the baby is born through the vagina without the need for assisted techniques or interventions. Here is a general overview of the steps involved in a typical SVD:
The onset of Labor: Labor begins with the onset of regular contractions, which cause the cervix to gradually efface (thin out) and dilate (open). Contractions become more intense and closer together over time.
Active Labor: As the cervix dilates further, the mother enters the active phase of labor. During this stage, contractions become more frequent and stronger, aiding in the descent of the baby.
Pushing Stage: Once the cervix is fully dilated (typically 10 centimeters), the mother enters the pushing stage. With each contraction, she actively pushes while bearing down to help the baby move through the birth canal.
Crowning and Delivery: As the baby's head descends, it becomes visible at the vaginal opening, known as crowning. With continued pushing and the guidance of the healthcare provider, the baby's head and then the rest of the body is delivered.
Placenta Delivery: After the baby is born, the uterus continues to contract, causing the placenta to separate from the uterine wall. The healthcare provider assists in delivering the placenta.
Throughout the SVD procedure, healthcare professionals monitor the mother and baby's vital signs, assess fetal heart rate, and provide support and guidance.
While Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery is a natural method of childbirth, it still carries certain risks and complications. Some of these potential risks and complications are:
Perineal Tears: During vaginal stretching, there are high risks of perineal tears of the vaginal tissues. These tears are minor to even severe and may require stitches for proper healing.
Postpartum Hemorrhage: Excessive bleeding after delivery is called postpartum hemorrhage. It can also occur in SVD and is caused by several factors - especially the failure of your uterus to contract effectively.
Infection: SVD increases the risks of developing infections - such as endometritis.
Shoulder Dystocia: In rare cases, the shoulder of the baby lodges behind the pubic bone of the mother. This causes shoulder dystocia, hampering the process of delivery.
Rapid Labor: Labor can sometimes progress rapidly, making the expecting mother out of control. This increases the chances of cervical or uterine tissue damage.
Fetal Distress: During labor, fetal distress can occur due to reduced oxygen supply. This requires immediate delivery through medical interventions.
After a Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery (SVD), the expecting mothers can expect some of these common experiences:
Bright red vaginal discharge consisting of blood, mucus, and uterine tissue may occur.
The mother also experiences uterine contractions and extreme cramps, which expel remaining placental tissues.
Experiencing mood swings - such as sadness, depression, or anxiety are also common.
The milk quality of breastfeeding women changes.
View Surgeries to book an online surgical procedure through Marham.pk or you can also call us at 042-32591427 or 0311-1222398 from 9 am - 11 pm to book an online lab test.
Cost varies depending on the type of surgery and locality.
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