Hematologist, Haemoncologist
MBBS, FRCP (London), Certificate of Competence in Lymphoma , MD (UK, FECO (Europe), Haemostasis Acad (UK) , Haemophilia Acad (Edin, UK) , Senior Fellow Bone Marrow Transplantation
MBBS, M.Phil. (Hematology), Diploma in Clinical Pathology
Gastroenterologist, Hematologist
MBBS, MCPS (Family Medicine), MD (Internal Medicine)
MBBS, M.Phil (Hematology), MSPh (QAU), CHPE (Medical Education)
Cancer Specialist / Oncologist, Hematologist, Haemoncologist
MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology) Fellowship In Oncology From AKUH
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