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Asking for Mother, Female, 63 years old, islamabad
My mother had angioplasty due to STEMI 3 months went on insulin due to raised sugar 1c 11% at that it has come out 7.5%. And her total cholestrol level is 158 mg/dL, HDL 46, LDL 116....i want to ask are these levels safe for a heart guide
target HbA1C has to be around 6.5
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and management
A cardiologist would better answer this
Yes they are much better than what were before. You need to keep her on routine meds, get her to do some mild physical activities and she will be doing great. You can schedule a routine 3 month appointment so that I can check her reports regularly and make sure everything is fine. Regards, Dr Awais
Her LDL should be around 70. Is she on any cholesterol medicine ? If not she should be on Lipitor or Crestor. May Allah bless her with good health. Aamin !
The levels are slightly out of range. HbA1c should be brought to 7% or less and LDL level should be less 100, ideally 70 mg/dL
plz tell me that if yiur mother is still on insulin? is she taking any other hypoglycemic drug?Hba1c has got much these levels are within limits though she should continue the medicines
She must already be on a statin medicine at bedtime. That will reduce her general risk of any further heart or brain injury.
Is she on any medicines for diabetes?
LDL should be below 70 according to ATP4 guidelines
hba1c is fine but would be better if below 7
Thanks for asking me about your patient after heart attack these are good Labortry parameters but you should bring HBAIC to 6.5 with insulin daily fifteen minutes walk and diet control regards
AOA. how many stents does she have? Hba1c has improved alot which is a good thing still the target would be 7.0% in the next 4-5 months. Rest of the labs are fine. which cholestrol tablet is she on? walk is suggested
Post Owner
One stent placed and another one is to be placed, in plan
4 years ago
MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), MRCP (Medicine) | Lahore | Book Appointment
which cholestrol medicine is she on? and the dose of it? needs to bring down LDL too. rest of it looks adequate for now. encourage walk and dietary advice regarding cholestrols and high sugar foods.
4 years ago
No stringent control of sugar is required HbA1c is still high,,
Only in these levels, one cannot decide. Please do Coronary calcium score. LDL is bit high. Give Rosuvastatin.
Bring her to my clinic. I can guide you better
thanks for asking yes HB A1c is fine and so is the lipid profile. Continue the same treatment which medicines is she using for high cholesterol
RANDOM 120 TO 180 MG
salam. your patient ' s blood sugar control is satisfactory. and within desired goal. continue same regimen of insulin. lipid profile is also within normal limits. its safe and good for heart disease
yes they are better but if total cholesterol is reached to 130 to 140 the chance of having angina and m.i are reduced to further 10 present.
hdl is good between 40 to 60 and your mom has good level. Over all these levels are fine/good.
For further guidance and assistance you may visit me in clinic on Monday if you live in Lahore at APDC(anjum polyclinic and diagnostic center) Lahore wapda town 80 E1 between 4 to 8 pm 042-32591427, . Allah bless you and your family
Yes, all values are within target so continue with the ongoing treatment.
Yes these are in Normal Range
LDL cholesterol levels should be less than 100 mg/dL. Levels of 100 to 129 mg/dL are acceptable for people with no health issues but may be of more concern for those with heart disease or heart disease risk factors. A reading of 130 to 159 mg/dL is borderline high and 160 to 189 mg/dL is high. HBA1C is better but still high so slightly increase insulin too and diet to be modified in n addition to cholesterol lowering tablets. Thanks
LDL should be below 70 mg/dl as per American Heart Association guidelines for management of Cholesterol 2018. HabA1C ideally should be less than 7 but in elderly with heart disease 7.5 is acceptable.
yes it safe enough but cannot stop statin e.g lipid lowering drugs.
plus LDL is slightly on higher side.
should continue low dose atleast rosuvastatin 5mg.
Salam. More dangerous her is uncontrolled diabetes. This should be first priority. Good that it is controlled . Cholesterol levels are good. She should be on statins. Some excerxise is good
yes the levels are should continue with her current medication as well as follow life style changes accordingly i.e. avoid sugar, banaspati ghee, white flour, and only consume home cooked food. prayers for her health.
yes, continue medicine. must walk fr 2 km daily or on alternate days. keep in reg touch with ur cardiologist
she is safe
Her LDL should be less than 70...
so cont statin and follow
Assalamu Alaikum!
It's sad what your mother had gone through but good thing is that most of things are back on track.. It's good that she went successful angioplasty and I hope her heart functions would be back to reasoanble levels.
It's also very good that progress in HbA1C show that you people are putting lots of efforts and her compliance to treatment is good, but persistance is very important. If HbA1C is brought below 7, would be even better.
Her lipid profile is reasonable with good HDL showing cardiac safety, but her LDL needs to be lowered down as well. Statin and heart medicines should be continued and all the labs should be repeated after 3 months. Wishing her a healthy life ahead. Regards
The blood tests mentioned are looking very good. LDL could possibly come down a little bit more. We probably may need to discuss the cholesterol medication. Feel free to book an appointment and we can discuss further. Thank you
Many thanks for your questions. Regarding Cholesterol management, the LDL level <70mg/dl is ideal as she has DM and cardiovascular disease. Regarding DM, I would like to know that what insulin she has been using and it’s dose and the weight of your mother.
Post Owner
Insulin novomix 36 units a day was suggested, now on 20 units/ weight is 57kg
4 years ago
she needs more tight control of diabetes and ldl
check her sugar levels n bring then in target
fasting less than 130
2hrs post meal less than 180.
n ldl should b more low
yes these levels are safe for a heart patient.
try to keep LDL even bit low
as she is a cardiac patient,she has high HbA1c n LDL n needs better control of diabetes atleast HbAIc should be around 6.5 n LDL should be under maintain a good dietry restriction,half hr exercise if a chart of sugar before n 2hrs after each meal to readjust insulin fasting sugar should be below 120 n after meals around 180.
LDL in heart patients below 100 is considered in the normal range, HDL above 40 is excellent and total cholesterol is also well controlled.
cholesterol and hba1c are at normal level at da better care regularly check these level and get echocardiogram hy for heart and regular check for medical specialist.
assalam o alaikum, a physician will be able to guide to.
You need to bring cholesterol levels further down due to Diabetes. HBA1C levels are adequate for patient. You may start Rosuvastatin 20mg per day to patient.
yes these levels are perfect for her. continue same dosages and keep checking her sugar levels at home.
physical activity advisable
Her levels still needs to get better both for cholesterol and blood glucose. Kindly give details of medicine she is taking for these two.
Post Owner
Xplendid 5 mg for cholestrol and insulin novomix 20 units / day
4 years ago
LDL levels should be around 50 and HDL shoutbe higher
What is her blood glucose What medications she taking
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
2. Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
2. Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
2. Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
2. Results are safe
1. How much Insulin she is taking.
2. Results are safe
1. Dose and type of Insulin Taking.
2. Results are OK
Best would be to consult your cardiologist and endocrinologist
As you have got some really good answers but I just want to add one thing and that is her sugar control need to be slowly as risk of hypoglycemia (suddenly low sugars) is very high in older population so it is not just living but healthy living, that matters .so instead of keeping her on very strict parvaiz which is very common practice, give her healthy choices in eating plus gradual physical activity of 15-30 mins. Or amount she can tolerate wel without any problems of breathing
The risk of falls with hypoglycemia should always be compared against tight glycemic control in elderly population .
Yes but meticulous control of diabetes is the key factor for a healthy heart. Keeping HbA1c below 7 Is the real target and cholesterol levels as low as possible .
Insulin dose be adjusted to control BSL. Walk and dietary control.
Thanks for your response, please continue the same treatment just augment the cholesterol control.
although her lipid profile is not bad but her hbA1c is still tell her insuline regimen so that it can be adjusted for good bsl control
Post Owner
She was on insulin novomix 30 (36 units/day) after that she was on getryl she is taking 12 units/ day
4 years ago
Post Owner
Her diabetic consultant advised insulin for a week at the time of angiplasty but we continued it on reduced dose
4 years ago
yeah seems pritty good controle. also keep an eye on RANDOM AND FASTING SUGAR levels, along with HbAiC
Anonymous User
Yes safe ,,but needs better control of sugar and this way lipid derangement can be managed more appropriately. All that she needs is good blood sugar control
Anonymous User
Yes safe ,,but needs better control of sugar and this way lipid derangement can be managed more appropriately. All that she needs is good blood sugar control
As for as above pt is concerned
please provide the medicine record
they are controlled with medication
that is good .
keep the sugar levels and cholesterol levels in this range
Anonymous User
No these levels are still not ,Hba1c should be 6.5,LDL less then 70 and total cholestrol should be less then 150
no these are not safe levels
according to latest guidelines total cholestrol should be less than atleast 100
if yr mother age is above sixty than these targets are ok if age is below sixty than hba1c should be around 7and ldl cholesterol araound 100
hba1c is on higher side it need to be 7% total cholesterol is ok but LDL cholesterol should be less than 100mg/dl
LDL is on higher all other parameters are fine and maintained but my advise will be to strict comply treating physician’s advise as there is zero margin for careless ness
yes quite safe parameters
age 63, diabetes, moderately high LDL levels.. weight should be kept in proper limit depending her hight, diet and excercise are stressed. and keep using the anti ischemic treatment and repeat lipid profile after 3 months..
Although lipid profile ( cholesterol, HDL ) might’ve been improving. A strict control is still required. HBA1c is in range for any patient suggesting this type of cardiovascular history.
Yes sir thes are satisfactory and good levels for her condition. Best wishes
hbaic shows diabetes control for 2 to 3 months overall... one need to check fasting as well as random sugar levels so that her sugar level may not drop to dangerous level. and other factors like Renal functions need to be checked . dietary it need detail physician check up. online ans is not enough i guess.
Research shows that higher HbA1c levels are generally linked with a higher risk of heart disease. LDL is also slightly raised. Need regular monitoring of Fasting and Random sugar levels.
ldl is not upto the take antilipidimic drug like statin regularly
She needs to continue her cholesterol lowering medicine.
no these levels are not safe for heart patients her ldl should be less than 70 n blood sugar control is also not optimal
these are good levels but her continuous efforts will count towards her long term health
Her total cholesterol is less than 200mg/dl & her HDL is 46; these two levels are fine but as she is diabetic and has Cardiac issue so LDL is better be less than 70 md/dl. Is she taking any lipid lowering medicine? and what is her status at life style modifications?
Post Owner
4 years ago