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PMC Verified Doctors
Asking For Self, Female 23, Karachi
when ever I wake up or get up from my laptop.. it's hard for me to walk for some seconds as my heels hurt.
Visit my clinic
your weight and height
Please concern with physiotherapist for proper assesment .
There is Calcium Deficiency.
There may be Plantar Fasciitis.. ( Could exactly be diagnosed upon assessment or Further detailed History)
Contact : Zero three zero four: nine three, nine two, four nine seven.
Test urice acid
Cobtact zeero three one five, double six four five zero one five
Need complete assessment for exact diagnosis
might be calcium deficiency or may be plantar fasciitis
it's plantar fascitis i think you have to roll your heels and foot on cold botel it will sooth you
for further information kindly contact
it can be due to planter fasciitis..or may be due to calcium deficiency or high uric acid..for proper assessment and treatment contact 042-32591427, .
it can be managed with few lifestyle changes and exercises
better to get an xray of your calcaneus bone to rule out any bony spur, if the xray shows no spur then its probably due to Plantar Fascitis, this condition is very common and very easily treatable with physiotherapy
you should go for a physician consultation. After this, you know your problem for temporary relief. You can icing your heels and rest over a pillow for some time .
this is planter fascitis
do planter fascia mobilization
And therapeutic ultrasound
planter fasciitis.
heel raise exercise, massage and consult nerest physiotherapist
There are a few reasons that can cause this problem, including plantar fasciitis, bone spurs, low calcium/vitamin D levels, and raised uric acid. It is advised to visit a qualified physician for proper diagnosis and get relevant treatment plan.
A physician can treat mineral deficiency and raised uric acid through medication. For plantar fasciitis, you can visit a physiotherapist.
you should take few physiotherapy sections,
visit nearest physician or physiotherapist
physiotherapy will make it easy with modifications in your lifestyle
If you are from gujranwala, then you can visit new gondal hospital, Gujranwala
Consult with a near by Physiotherapist
you can visit nearest physiotherapist and tell complete history about your problem.
Posture modification will also help.
This may caused by prolonged sitting. this can be curable visit your Nearest Physical Therapist how will Diagnosed you after complete examination.
most probably it's a mechanical sort of pain due to your long working hours.
Take few breaks for gentle stretches during long working hours.
For a detailed examination and exact diagnosis you have to visit nearby physiotherapist.
it's completely treatable after taking some medicine don't you worry detailed history required kindly book appointment with me
First of all ap during work kch break diya kren and just do these exercises:
Ankle pumping
stretching exercises
detailed history needed for better outcome
Book appointment online or call at
042-32591427, 427, 427
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