Anjeer or Anjir is scientifically known as Ficus carica L. and is produced mainly in countries, including Morocco, Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Spain, Brazil, and California.
It grows in dry, hot, and slightly cold climates. Figs are used all around the world in both fresh and dried fig forms. The edible part of anjir is fleshy, hollow, and receptacle. It is sweet in taste and has a good aroma. It is also considered a dry fruit consumed in huge amounts in Pakistan in the winter season.
Anjeer plant is native to Asia – The southwestern part, and has now spread to Europe and other parts of the world. In ancient times, anjeer tree has been known to be a great source of food and medicine.
They have a considerable amount of polyphenols, fibers, antioxidants, etc., which offer various health benefits.
Let’s dive deep into the nutritional content of anjeer, anjeer meaning in English, anjeer benefits in Urdu, anjeer uses, anjeer price in Pakistan, and much more!
So, if you want to use anjeer to reap its benefits and have any underlying medical condition, then it is better to talk to the best nutritionist in Pakistan.
Anjeer Meaning in English
Anjeer meaning in English is Fig. In Urdu, it is written as انجیر.
Also Read: مردوں کے لیے خشک انجیر کھانے کے 5 ناقابل یقین صحت کے فوائد
Nutritional Content of Anjeer
Fresh figs are enriched with nutrients and relatively low in calories which makes them an excellent addition to the healthy diet.
One 40-gram small fresh fig contains the following:
- Calories: 30
- Carbs: 8 grams
- Protein: 0 grams
- Fiber: 1 gram
- Fat: 0 grams
- Copper: 3% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Potassium: 2% of the DV
- Magnesium: 2% of the DV
- Riboflavin: 2% of the DV
- Vitamin K: 2% of the DV
- Thiamine: 2% of the DV
- Vitamin B6: 3% of the DV
Fresh figs have some calories from natural sugar but consuming a few figs is a good and low-calorie snack.
On the other hand, dried figs lack the water content that fresh figs have. The sugar and calorie content in both dried and fresh figs are the same.
Anjeer also has a small amount of other nutrients, including copper, vitamin B6, etc.

Anjeer Benefits in Urdu (Anjeer Khane Ke Fayde)
Some of the Anjeer dry fruit benefits in Urdu (Anjeet ke fayde in Urdu) are given as follows:
1. Promotes Digestion and Aids in Constipation
It is one of the best anjeer k faidy. Anjeer is enriched with dietary fiber which helps prevent constipation and improve intestinal motility. It serves as a prebiotic or food source for healthy (good) bacteria in the gut.
The fiber in figs provides roughage which aids in healthy bowel movements, improves digestion, and prevents constipation.
2. Maintains Blood Glucose Levels
Figs are well-known for maintaining and reducing blood glucose levels.
Anjeer has chlorogenic acid which helps in reducing blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Figs also have potassium which is found in high quantities and also plays a significant role in controlling blood glucose levels.
Figs are a good substitute for sugar for diabetic patients.
3. Lowers the Risk of Heart Diseases
Cholesterol and triglycerides are primarily responsible for the occurrence of heart diseases.
Anjeer is enriched with dietary fiber which can lower the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in the body.
Dried figs have high antioxidant content and blood pressure-lowering properties which keep one away from free radicals in the body that cause coronary artery blockage and keep heart diseases away.
Studies on Anjeer leaf extract exhibited its potential to decrease hepatic triglyceride (TG) and also lower the secretion of cholesterol.
4. Controls Blood Pressure
Anjeer has a high amount of potassium which negates the sodium effect and reduces blood pressure.
It can also help in controlling aging effects by providing the body with enough estrogen, iron, etc. Moreover, figs keep the hormones in check and boost the energy as well.
Figs are also excellent for skin, hair, and nails.
Tip: Mashed anjeer face mask can help in preventing acne.
5. Supports Bone Health
Figs can also help in improving bone health.
Calcium is the primary element which is required for healthy bones and anjeer is an excellent natural source of calcium.
Dairy products are good sources of calcium but they are not enough all alone. Therefore, anjeer can be an excellent second-line supplement.
Moreover, anjeer is also a good source of other bone nutrients, including magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.
6. Reduces the Risk of Cancer
Anjeer is rich in antioxidants which can reduce free radicals in the body. By controlling the free radicals release and chronic inflammation, it reduces the risk of cancer.
The free radicals are responsible for chronic inflammation, including heart diseases, cancer, diabetes, etc.
Moreover, from the anjeer latex, cytotoxic compounds have been extracted. These cytotoxic compounds can inhibit the proliferation of several cancer cell lines. Therefore, anjeer latex is also considered a possible inhibitor of the development and production of cancer cells.
7. Maintains Healthy Reproductive System
Anjeer keeps the reproductive system in consideration as they are enriched in minerals, including zinc, magnesium, manganese, etc. These minerals contribute to fertility and vitality.
Figs can be soaked in milk or water and consumed in the morning. If you are planning a baby or are pregnant then include this superfood in your diet on the recommendation of the doctor.
Also Read: Figs Benefits and Nutritional Values – What is the Right Time to Eat it?
8. Helps in Weight Management
A moderate quantity of figs can aid in managing weight.
Anjeer is rich in dietary fiber and therefore doctors suggest that eating figs is a good replacement for fried and junk food.
When you are in the mood for light snacks, you can have anjeer and it will make you feel full and in a healthy way.
If you want to reap nihar munh anjeer ke fayde, then soaking anjeer in water overnight and eating it in the morning is one of the best ways to consume anjeer.
Also Read: Top 9 Effective and Healthy Food for Weight Loss
Anjeer in Pregnancy
During pregnancy, it is highly important to take care of your diet and proper nutrition. One fruit that stands out due to its numerous benefits in pregnancy is Anjeer.
By consuming anjeer in pregnancy, you can reap the following benefits:
- Promotes healthy digestion
- Aids in fetal growth
- Boosts immunity
- Prevents anemia
- Provides essential nutrients
- Controls blood pressure
- Reduces the risk of gestational diabetes
کھجور کی اقسام کتنی ہیں؟سپر فوڈ کے فوائد اور حیرت انگیز حقائق (Dates Types and Benefits)
Recommended Intake of Anjeer in Pregnancy
It is important to consume anjeer in moderation whether you are pregnant or not.
The daily recommended intake of dried figs in pregnancy is approx. 2-3 figs per day. It means pregnant women can have 2-3 dried anjeer in pregnancy every day.
However, as anjeer has natural sugars; therefore, pregnant women and people who are trying to lose weight should talk to a professional nutritionist in Pakistan before incorporating anjeer into their diet.
You can also watch this video by Ms. Zoha Sohail in which she talks about injeer/anjeer ke fayde (figs health benefits in Urdu)
Anjeer Uses (Anjeer Khane Ka Tarika)
Different parts of a jeer such as fruit, seeds, bark, leaves, latex, and shoots have been used for many medicinal applications. It has been traditionally used in medicines to treat various conditions, including colic, cardiovascular diseases, indigestion, loss of appetite, cough, sore throat, and diarrhea.
Well, the question arises how to use anjeer (anjeer khane ka tarika). You can eat anjeer in the following ways:
- Eat anjeer as raw
- Use anjeer in sweets and puddings instead of sugar
- Make anjeer banana shake
- Anjeer milkshake
- Anjeer Halwa
However, to reap the maximum benefits of dry figs, it is suggested to consume them after soaking them in water overnight. Then, throw the water the next morning and eat the dry fig on an empty stomach to have the best results!
Anjeer Price in Pakistan
The anjeer price in Pakistan ranges from Rs 500-2000 depending on the type, variety, and weight (per g or kg) of figs.
Final Words
Anjeer or Anjir is scientifically known as Ficus carica L. It grows in dry, hot, and slightly cold climates.
The edible part of anjir is fleshy, hollow, and receptacle. It is sweet in taste and has a good aroma. It is also consumed in huge amounts in Pakistan in the winter season.
They have a considerable amount of polyphenols, fibers, antioxidants, etc., which offer various health benefits.
From promoting digestion to maintaining blood glucose levels and supporting bone health, it has a range of health benefits. Anjeer in pregnancy is highly beneficial for the health of the mother and the baby.
The anjeer price in Pakistan depends on the type, variety, and weight (per g or kg) of figs.
If you want to incorporate figs into your daily routine or if you are pregnant and want to use figs, then talk to the best nutritionist in Pakistan before making any decision.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is Anjeer hot or cold?
Anjeer is cold in nature and has cooling power. It is an astringent fruit that is hard to digest; therefore, it is good for weight management.