Author: Guest writers

مشت زنی کا نام آتے ہی اکثر افراد توبہ استغفار کرنے لگ جاتے ہیں اور اس ذکر سے اس طرح بچنے کی کوشش کرتے ہیں جس طرح یہ کوئی کبیرہ گناہ ہے ۔ درحقیقت مشت زنی خود لزتی کے حصول کا ایک طریقہ ہے مشت زنی سے مراد اپنے ہاتھ سے منی کا اخراج کرنا ہے مشت زنی کے حوالے سے غلط تاثر مشت زنی کے حوالے سے معاشرے میں بہت سارے افراد میں بہت غلط تاثر پایا جاتا ہے اور لوگ اس کو ایک غیر اخلاقی فعل سمجھتے ہیں لیکن اس حوالے سے میڈیکل کے شعبے سے منسلک افراد…

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Two years into the pandemic, you must know what coronavirus is. You must know all the health implications it causes and the rise in the death toll. But little do you know the effect it has on society. So let’s explore Covid-19 and its impact on society. Coronavirus disease is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 (Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2). The disease was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, the capital of China. It has spread globally and has resulted in a pandemic. The virus primarily came from animals (zoonotic) and transmitted among people through close contact…

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Are you too, tired of getting off before your partner does? Has this even been a reason for bitterness or a fight between you two? Do you want to know how to increase sex time without medicine? Well, you are not alone, premature ejaculation is probably the most common sexual dysfunction in men. It has a worldwide prevalence of 30%. You may find the market filled with medicines and herbal teas that promise improved sexual function but if you want to know how to increase sex time without medicine, this article might be a good read for you. Premature ejaculation…

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Dear Diary, Life is beautiful. It hasn’t been good for very long. It feels great to gain control over it finally. I wish I could have done it earlier, but it wasn’t easy. You must be confused as, why I didn’t see you for long. The truth is I was ashamed, I was scared, and I was traumatized. I was afraid of even you, and I was afraid of opening up and being judged, I am a rape survivor after all. I have been hiding something from you for months. I wanted to tell you, but I wasn’t in a…

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The concept of immunotherapy has been around for ages. A century ago, a physician known as William Coley noted that some patients, when infected with a bacterium, appeared to fight off their cancers. The theory behind immunotherapy is that your immune system already knows how to fight cancer. Cancer cells may be marked as unusual and destroyed by the immune system, much as your body can identify, label, and mount an immune response against bacteria and viruses that enter it. On the other hand, Cancers may occasionally outwit the immune system and defend themselves; this is the premise of immunotherapy.…

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میاں بیوی کے تعلقات کا ایک اہم پہلو ان کے قربت کے لمحات بھی ہوتے ہیں ۔اس حوالے سے کچھ افراد کا یہ ماننا ہوتا ہے کہ جتنے زیادہ قربت کے لمحات جیون ساتھی ایک دوسرے کے ساتھ گزاریں گے اس سے ان کے درمیان محبت کی ڈور اتنی مضوط ہو گی مگر یہ کوئی حتمی نتیجہ نہیں ہے کتنا سیکس کرنا  شادی شدہ زندگی کے لیۓ مفید ہو سکتا ہے شادی کے ابتدائی دنوں کے بعد جب کہ زندگی میں ایک ٹہراؤآنے لگتا ہے اس وقت ہر شادی شدہ جوڑے کے درمیان اس حوالے سےبھی ایک سوال اٹھتا ہے…

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We live in an era where we have intentionally or unintentionally, started to determine and regulate our days and nights ourselves. It may not sound alarming, rather advantageous and a technological blessing, but a subtle change in our natural sleeping hours can greatly affect the biological clock of our body. Our body manages sleep similar to the way it manages breathing, eating, and drinking, emphasizing the importance of its critical role in our health and well-being. Crucial bodily functions, such as tissue repair, muscle growth, and protein synthesis especially occur during sleep. 70-75% of human growth hormone is only secreted…

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Everybody nowadays is talking about mental health and how it is crucial for our well-being. Still, nobody talks about the misconceptions related to it and how to clear them out. In a society like ours, there is a stigma attached to mental health and insufficient public awareness. So people suffer a lot. Let’s point out some misconceptions about mental health. It’s Not Always about the Extreme Issues: People think that unless you exhibit the most extreme version of a mental illness, you don’t have it. Mental illness is a spectrum ranging from mild to moderate and then extreme levels. Depression…

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Gluten is a protein that occurs naturally in several types of grains. Wheat, barley, rye, and oats all contain gluten. Recently there has been an upsurge in people going gluten-free. Let’s go on to explore the facts and myths related to gluten. Gluten causes a reaction in certain people, namely those with Celiac disease or gluten intolerance. Gluten may cause the small intestines to become inflamed when ingested. The short-term effects might include pain, gas, diarrhea and can lead to malabsorption of nutrients. The long-term effects may include weight loss, impaired development, and affected growth. Celiac disease may develop at…

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