Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Most of the time people pay a visit to a cardiologist on the recommendation of their physician. They are typically recommended in response to either heightened risk factors for cardiovascular diseases or symptoms that indicate serious cardiac health concerns. But sometimes some issues makes you think about whether or not to see a cardiologist. That is the time when taking a correct decision is very important. As we all know cardiovascular diseases often occur with no apparent symptoms until a major health event such as cardiac arrest stroke or heart attack. This is why it is important for you to…

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Every parent wants his kid to grow taller and stronger but it is not that easy. Different factors contribute to determining the height and growth of a kid while genetics is the main one among them. But do you know that what you feed your kid also play an important role in how tall and strong they grow? Eating a right kind of foods and maintaining a healthy nutritious balance, these all things play a part. Although it is a bit hard to keep track of all these things, adding these best foods in your kid’s diet will help him…

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Whether it is pollen allergy in summers or dust allergy in winters, each season brings some allergy triggers with it. And when the season changes, you have to welcome uncontrollable sneezing and coughing as well. Dust mites are the main culprits behind the development of dust allergy and related diseases such as asthma and rhinitis. So that you can smell winters in the air, you need to do something to tackle dust allergy because surely you don’t want to spoil all your winters’ fun. So, here are some amazing ways that can help you to deal with a dust allergy.…

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Who doesn’t want to have a strong, healthy, and shiny hair? It is something that each one of us desires to have. But is it that simple and easy? Well not really! Weak hair can take on many forms even split ends, extreme dryness, and excessive oiliness can all be signs of weak hair. It can be caused by hormonal factors, usage of certain medications, diseases, stress, cancer treatment, poor diet, or a fungal infection of the scalp. So, if you’ve seen breakage, split ends, and dryness in your hair then it’s time get your hair back on track. Here…

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Anything that affects a person’s chance of getting any diseases is a risk factor. There are more than 100 types of cancers and all of them have different risk factors. Some risk factors can be controlled such as smoking while others like a person’s age or family history can’t be changed. But just having one or even more risk factors doesn’t mean you will get the disease at some stage of your life. In fact, sometimes many people who get the disease may not have had any known risk factors. However, many experts suggest that still; it is good to…

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You know that physical activity such as exercise, running, yoga, walk, and the workout is good for you. But do you know how it can improve your life? Do you know how such activities can benefit your body and brain? No! Right? Then how can you convince yourself to get moving if you don’t know about its health benefits? This is the reason that many people don’t make physical activities their priority. They know that it is good for them but they don’t know how well is it and in how many ways it helps to improve the health. Once…

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Women often take great care of their skin but sometimes they make common mistakes in skin care that they don’t even realize while doing it. A healthy, clear, glowing, and flawless skin is a dream of every woman. However, that’s true that they commit common mistakes while protecting their skin which may lead them to serious consequences and keep them to attain healthy skin. Here are some common mistakes you should know so that you can avoid them in the future. Wrong Selection Of Sunscreen: Skin gets tan and aged whenever it gets exposed to the sun while a two…

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The thyroid, a butterfly-shaped gland in the neck can have a great impact on a huge variety of your bodily functions. It serves as the body thermostat, regulating energy, temperature, and metabolism. Meanwhile, it controls everything from your mood to your menstrual cycles and of course with thousands of other functions. There are some common issues like fatigue, weight gain, and mood swings that almost everyone struggle with a little. However, if you find yourself struggling with these symptoms on a regular basis then you might have a thyroid problem. Here are some common signs that could indicate that you…

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Many people think that ear infection is something that only kids get. Although it’s true it is more common in children, it still happens in grown-ups and adults. Fortunately, it is not something that needs an immediate medical infection because ear infections often go away on their own and don’t require any medication. But, still, it is helpful to know how you can treat it to ease your discomfort. Here are some effective remedies that are safe to try at home. Let’s have a look. 1.Cool Or Warm Compresses: People often use cool or warm compresses to relieve pain; you…

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The threat of Dengue Fever is no new to Lahore, at least for now. A few years ago we didn’t know about Dengue fever but now it is emerging as the deadliest disease. A female mosquito (Aedes aegypti) is a transmitter of this disease. This species prefers to live in or near human inhabitants and tend to bite during the day. Now every year with the arrival of Monsoon, Dengue emerges as a threat to Pakistan and especially to the Lahore city. Although the government had taken effective steps in order to prevent this disease, it can turn useless unless…

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