Author: Noorul Huda

She Attained a Masters in Zoology from the University of Punjab, She has been an active researcher and learner regarding today's health issues. One of her major interests lies in studying and discovering medical break-throughs and their application in the society. Also, she likes to share her interests via her writings to spread mass-awareness.

Pain during urination is also called Dysuria. It is frequently seen among children of young age. The main causes of painful urination are bladder or kidney infections, or the infections of the urinary tract (UTIs). Causes of Painful Urination in Children: Painful urination is a very common problem seen among children and even adults. A child’s bladder holds less amount of urine as compared to an adult’s. Therefore, a child needs to urinate more frequently as compared to an adult. This does not mean that your kid has some problem. However, if your child experiences burning or stinging sensations during…

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SLP stands for Speech-Language Pathologist who is a specialist in Speech-Language Pathology. It is a health-related profession in which a speech-language therapist works to solve problematic issues regarding speech, language, social communication, and swallowing in children and adults. This profession is discriminated from other health-related occupations because speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are legally permitted to diagnose certain disorders that fall within their areas of practice. To book an appointment with the best speech-language pathologist in Lahore, Karachi or any other main city of Pakistan visit Specialized Fields of SLPs: It is a common misconception that speech-language pathology is limited to correcting a person’s…

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Developing an ambiance where a child would happily choose to eat healthily is one of the most challenging tasks for every single parent in this world. Ask any parent you meet. He or she will definitely call convincing his or her kid to eat healthy as ‘the most difficult thing of parenthood’. Every kid nowadays wants to eat a pizza or spaghetti or nuggets all the time. Don’t nag about unhealthy eating, instead allow them to have their own choices and model healthy eating in front of them side by side! Additionally, you may also find and consult with a…

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Nosebleed is also known as Epistaxis. It is simply the bleeding of the blood vessels of the nose. Nosebleed is very common and very fragile. It commonly occurs in adults and children of 3-10 years of age. It is caused by picking the nose and drying of nasal membranes. It can be easily prevented by not picking the nose and keeping the nasal passages wet. A nosebleed can rarely be life-threatening. Causes of Nosebleed: Cold air Drying of nasal membranes High blood pressure Blood clotting diseases Nose picking Cancer Injury to the nose: any wound may cause the nasal vessels to…

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Circumcision is a procedure in which the foreskin of the penis is removed. It is usually done by inserting a metal clamp inside the foreskin and making a small slit to separate it from the glans (the head of the penis). The foreskin is then removed by slowly cutting it off. Circumcision -A Controversial Issue: Circumcision is performed in many regions of the world based on ethical and religious reasons, though globally, it is a controversial topic. Many people raise questions regarding circumcision and its benefits involving the reproductive health in human males. To know more about male reproductive health and…

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Polio is the short form of ‘Poliomyelitis’. It is an acute, infectious viral disease that affects the Central Nervous System and invades the spinal cord of the infected person. It’s initial symptoms lead to severe paralysis of the limbs and muscles, therefore is also known as ‘infantile paralysis’. More than half of all the cases of polio occurs in children under the age of 5 years. Pregnant women are more susceptible to polio as well. Know how to stay safe from infections during pregnancy book an appointment with the best gynecologist in Karachi, Lahore or other main cities of Pakistan via…

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What is Helicobacter pylori? Helicobacter pylori, shortly known as H.pylori is a type of bacteria that lives in the digestive tract of an individual and invades the stomach lining. It causes disease mostly in childhood, though adults are also affected greatly by these bacteria. Globally, the most common causative agent of stomach ulcers in adults is H.pylori. This strain of bacteria is harmless but sometimes it may cause serious stomach infections including ulcers and stomach cancer. Causes of H.pylori: Till today, doctors do not know the main cause of H.pylori. This bacteria invades the stomach lining where it is protected…

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Keratosis Pilaris is a genetic condition commonly known as “chicken skin disease”. In this skin disease, patches of small bumps develop on a person’s skin that feels rough to the touch. These tiny bumps are actually dead skin cells that clog the hair follicles. They sometimes have a red or brown coloration. This genetic condition is neither harmful nor contagious. The bumps usually don’t cause any pain, discomfort, or itching. But chicken skin worsens in winter because the skin dries out and loses its moisture. It also becomes irritable during pregnancy. To manage skin conditions book an appointment with the…

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Childbirth is a painfully beautiful moment that every pregnant mother awaits. Having to finally see her infant after a long wait of 9 months is one of the greatest moments of a mother’s life. Despite the joy, childbirth greatly exhausts a mother’s body, especially in case of a C-section (cesarean) delivery. Health-care of the Mother is Crucial after Delivery: It’s critical for every mother to have enough recovery time in her postpartum period (the days following childbirth) because the maternal mortality rate is highest in the postpartum period. So special attention must be given to mother’s care and well-being. Staying under…

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Criteria: Most searched Hospital on Marham’s platform Hospitals are the beacons of life and health, and often seem to be centres where most miracles happen. For your ease, we have compiled a list of the best and most recommended hospitals in Lahore. 1.Children’s Hospital Lahore: Children’s Hospital Lahore is the largest center in Punjab concerning child health-care. It was established in May 1995. It is associated with Punjab Health Department. It provides a vast variety of inpatient and outpatient facilities, and also carry out many research projects. To book an appointment with the best doctors at Children’s Hospital Lahore visit…

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