Men face a very common problem in their lives which is “Hair Loss”. To treat hair loss in men, rogaine (minoxidil) has been available for many decades. However, minoxidil side effects sexually are less addressed.
- Minoxidil (Rogaine) is used to treat hair loss mainly in men.
- It is known that Minoxidil can affect libido, male fertility, sperm count, or ejaculation.
- It can cause dermatitis, irritation, or a burning sensation in the area of application.
- Erectile dysfunction was seen in 8 out of 92 people using minoxidil but the study has major loopholes.
Maybe you see a receding hairline when you look in the mirror or maybe your children look from above and make fun of the bald spot on your head.
You don’t have to worry about a receding hairline is common in men when they reach their 50s. This is called male pattern baldness also known as androgenetic alopecia.
However, if you’re using one of the most well-known minoxidil (Rogaine) for hair loss treatment, then you should be well aware of the minoxidil side effects sexually.
We have gathered some of the common and some sexual side effects of minoxidil that can affect men.
General Minoxidil Side Effects
As Rogaine helps in boosting your hair growth, it also has potential side effects. Some of them are given as follows:
- Skin Dryness
- Scalp Sensitivity
- Burning Sensation or Irritation at and Around the Application Site
- Skin Flakness
- Increased Heart Rate
- Dermatitis (Itchy and Scaly Skin)
Moreover, using minoxidil can also make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Hence, you should wear protective clothing, sunglasses, and sunscreens when you go outside. Moreover, avoid direct sunlight while using minoxidil.
Also, Read How To Stop Male Pattern Baldness Naturally?
What are Minoxidil Side Effects Sexually?
You might have heard that the continuous use of minoxidil can cause reduced libido, difficulty in ejaculating, reduced testosterone levels, affected sperm count, etc. However, these are not true and are merely myths.
Therefore, if you’re taking Minoxidil (Rogaine) and facing any of the above-mentioned sexual issues, then the cause can be something else. In that case, you must visit a professional male health doctor who can address your concern and identify the underlying cause.
To date, no studies have proven that minoxidil affects male fertility, sperm count, libido, or ejaculation.
However, there is one most common minoxidil side effects sexually which is observed and reported by many is Erectile Dysfunction.
Does Minoxidil Really Cause Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?
Minoxidil is an FDA-approved drug used for hair regrowth and hair loss treatment in men. Minoxidil wakes your hair follicles up and gets them to work by moving the hair into active growth or anagen phase of the hair growth cycle.
In this way, minoxidil helps in hair loss treatment in men. But now you must be wondering that there might be a cost at which minoxidil helps in treating hair loss. You might be thinking of erectile dysfunction as the side effect of minoxidil.
But, here is the truth!
Some common drugs such as blood pressure medicines, drugs for prostate cancer, antidepressants, etc can cause erectile dysfunction; however, Minoxidil is not one of them!
Anyhow, a study conducted in 2016 reviewed the reports submitted to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) and found that 8 reports out of 92 cases have included sexual side effects of minoxidil. The side effects were loss of libido, decrease in libido, ejaculation disorder, erectile dysfunction, decreased seminal volume, etc.
Now, this all sounds like a lot because seconds ago we told you that minoxidil doesn’t cause any sexual side effects.
Therefore, to clear the point, let’s break it down!
Firstly, the complaints only come from the people who reported issues with minoxidil. The complaints didn’t come from everyone who uses it. Moreover, the study didn’t include those people who had no side effects from using minoxidil, whether related to general side effects or sexual ones.
Secondly, it was also not mentioned that people who had experienced side effects have used minoxidil in which form (oral minoxidil, liquid minoxidil solution, or minoxidil form).
Lastly, the most important thing is that the sample was incredibly small. 92 people might sound like a lot; however, that is nowhere near the usual standard for documenting clinical significance.
Does Minoxidil Alter Your Hormone Levels?
Minoxidil does not affect the hormone levels in men. Some research says that it interacts with the androgen receptors in the hair follicles; however, it does not truly change the hormone levels. Therefore, it doesn’t cause hormonal or sexual side effects.
Does Minoxidil Alter Testosterone Levels?
If minoxidil doesn’t alter the hormone levels, then it is clear that it doesn’t affect the testosterone levels. However, Finasteride can increase testosterone levels. It does so by blocking the conversion of testosterone hormone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
Some studies suggest that it may stimulate the conversion of testosterone to other androgens. However, more research is required to say anything on this.
Does Minoxidil Affect Sperm Count?
There is very little research conducted to establish any link between minoxidil and sperm count.
However, one research suggests that a high dosage of oral minoxidil can cause conception issues. But, oral minoxidil is seldom used for the treatment of hair loss (specifically in high doses).
What to Do If You Experience Any Minoxidil Side Effects Sexually?
If you are using Rogaine (Minoxidil) and you face any sexual side effects mentioned below, then you should talk to an expert male health specialist.
- Loss of Libido
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Difficult Ejaculating
- Diminished Libido
- Sexual Performance Issues
The healthcare provider can help in determining whether the side effects are due to the use of Minoxidil or if is there any other underlying cause.
Also, watch this video by Dr Umer Mushtaq, a dermatologist, to learn How To Stop Hair Fall In Men.
Alternatives to Minoxidil
If you’re still anxious about the side effects of minoxidil sexually or in general, then here we have enlisted some of the minoxidil alternatives for hair growth treatment.
- Home Remedies
One of the most effective, natural, and safe alternatives to minoxidil is home remedies. You can try using potential home remedies such as using onion water, aloe vera, amla, etc.
- Laser Therapy
You can also go for low-level laser therapy in which concentrated light beams are thrown on the bald areas which stimulates blood flow and encourage cell proliferation.
- Hair Transplant
If you want permanent hair restoration, then a hair transplant is for you!
Now Baldness is Treatable in Pakistan
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy
You can also opt for a very common and effective therapy known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Therapy. In PRP, blood plasma is separated from the blood and injected into the hair to promote hair growth.
- Essential Oils for the Growth of Hair
You can also use some essential oils such as rosemary oil, coconut oil, olive oil, etc, which can aid in regrowth of hair when applied topically.

Keep in mind that, the above-mentioned alternative strategies to minoxidil have their own potential side effects. Therefore, before opting for any method, it is better to look into their side effects.
Final Thoughts
There is no solid research or proof that Minoxidil (Rogaine) causes potential sexual health issues in men. However, it is an effective remedy to treat hair loss in men and has been used for several decades all around the world.
But, if you face any sexual or otherwise general health issues after using minoxidil, then it is better to consult a professional GP, instead of evaluating the cause and taking any step on your own.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. Is minoxidil safe for men?
Minoxidil foam and topical solution are considered effective and safe for the treatment of hair loss in males and females. Hence, you can use minoxidil without any worry.
2. Does minoxidil affect fertility?
You can use minoxidil safely because it doesn’t affect male fertility. There are no known potential negative effects of minoxidil on fertility.
3. Who cannot use minoxidil?
If you have kidney, liver, heart, or any scalp disease, or if you are planning to conceive or are pregnant or breastfeeding, then it is better to consult a general physician before using minoxidil.