Author: Javeria Adil Chughtai

A journalist and a medical researcher by profession, badminton player and photographer by passion. You can call me an artist but No, I can't draw you! :D

Crying is a natural phenomenon and a natural reaction to every situation. Be it a surprise, bad news, shock or any other situation, a person’s first reaction is to cry. Apart from that, 2020 has given us various major reasons to cry. Consequently, you might’ve already googled “how to stop crying,” because all of us have already had enough. There are two types of people, one, who can not stop crying and the others who can’t even cry at any cost. Well, I am the second one as it has been years and I haven’t yet identified why I can’t…

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COVID19 has literally turned our lives upside down. These last 10 months of our lives have been nothing less than a rollercoaster ride. From a lot of misconceptions about this disease to even denying its existence, we’ve learned a lot in this previous year. The news about COVID19 entering in 2020 with us wasn’t taken very seriously as it was just a disease in Wuhan which was supposed to go away after a while. December 2019 introduced us to a new problem, even before entering everyone’s new “Year of Goals”, we had something to be worried about. Thousands of people…

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Fat is that uninvited guest which comes unannounced and stays for as long as they feel like. Similarly, it is very difficult to get rid of the fat that gets collected at the sides and decides not to leave unless we try a lot harder. It gets pretty challenging to get rid of them. Side fat is located exactly above the abdominal area and many people think it can be easily dealt with those typical ab workouts. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case as this is the most stubborn and rigid fat you’re talking about. In order to get rid of…

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Ladies, what is your worst time of the month? Well, that isn’t even a question because we all know what time of the month we hate the most. Curling up with cramps, numbness and various other unexplainable feelings leave us irritated. Periods never feel the same. As it keeps changing throughout a girl’s lifetime. The duration, timings, and flow of the cycle can vary from one girl to another. Hence, it gets quite difficult to determine what is normal and abnormal. To understand your period cycle and what can be a reason behind your 3-days periods, keep scrolling! What Is…

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Be it normal days or pandemics, Mondays never lose their typical Monday-ish feeling. The worst thing on a Monday morning is that it is a Monday. Agree much?. On Mondays, it is very common to see a person who’s having a Monday but we rarely come across a person who’s having “A Good Monday Morning”. Why is that? Because Mondays, for sure are the most disliked ones universally. Somedays, even if you haven’t returned to your work on a Monday, there’s another day in the week that feels like a Monday. The times when another day feels lazy, unlike, or…

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Having food on our tables indeed is a blessing as many out there do not have this facility and are deprived of clean food. But there are also certain situations where “Eating” itself is a trouble for many. Teens nowadays face many different issues as compared to their previous generations. Eating disorder is one of them. Children these days, be it teens or younger children, all of them are somewhat choosy about what they feel like eating. Many of them even start skipping their meals too. These habits grow into serious and challenging behaviors which can later cause serious health…

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Just as we think we are settling down in life, another problem shows up. Sometimes, the appendix starts acting up, sometimes it is our stomach and sometimes our teeth. The major troublemaker is always the wisdom tooth which always ends up in getting it removed. Get the wisdom tooth extracted should not be on our to-do list if they’re not bothering you. After all, the wisdom teeth are just like the appendix of our mouth. We can live without a wisdom tooth exactly like we function totally normal without our appendix too. We can live a healthy life without them…

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Silence is a situation that has a different effect on everyone. For some, silence is a peaceful and meaningful environment. But for those who suffer from issues like ringing in the ears, it becomes more than just miserable. Ringing in the ears, also known as tinnitus can have so many adverse effects on our health because all you can hear all the time is ringing. Silence becomes irritating. Inactivity around us becomes depressing and living without any sound playing around can drive us crazy. Furthermore, it can lead us to many serious issues. Do you want to know more about…

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Shedding hair or a lot of hair is what almost all of us go through. Going into the shower and coming out every time with a little less hair has become normal, especially when it is monsoon. We need to learn that some shedding is totally normal and we on average lose 50-100 hair strands every day. But once, if you start losing more hair than that, it becomes alarming and you should take hair fall very seriously. What can be the reason? How can we fix that? who should we go to?. If you want to know the reasons,…

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Good sleep is a daily routine for some and a dream for many. People who manage to sleep easily and well at night do not understand the struggle of those who require hours to put themselves to sleep. Having a good night’s sleep is extremely important for a person to stay healthy. Better sleep can help us avoid the risks of developing chronic illnesses, it keeps our brain healthy, and also, boosts our immune system. The normal sleep span which is recommended is that a person should get at least 7 and 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Though many people…

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