Are you the one who is fighting with the irregular period problem? And you also face severe pain during your menstruation that you can’t sit or stand on those days of every month? Do you know this is not normal to have irregular periods, and it has drastic effects on your fertility? Irregular periods of treatment is as important as treatments for other diseases.
According to the Assoc. Prof. Dr. Misbah Malik – Gynecologist, irregularity in periods is one of the most common problems from which women suffer every year. And females of every age group may get affected by this problem. Other than the irregularity in periods, painful periods are also a very problematic situation for many women. And it hinders their daily life routine.
Painful Periods:
Having mild pain during periods is normal. During periods the endometrium from the uterus sheds for which the uterus must contract itself. That’s why you feel pain during those days. You can soothe this pain by;
- Putting a hot bottle on your lower abdominal region
- Hot massage
- OTC pain killers
- Exercise
- Rest
Exercise is the best way to cope with this pain. Usually, females are busy in their daily routines and they give little attention to their physical workout. But exercise makes your muscles strong and allows your body to bear this pain.
Sometimes, the period pain is very serious. In this situation, you need to consult a gynecologist. Because there are some medical conditions that cause severe menstrual pain. For example;
Irregularity in periods is another major gynecological problem that women face. Irregularity in periods means periods do not occur on the same date every month. 3-4 days’ delay is normal. But if you face early or delayed periods with a difference of 10-15 days or missed periods for a month. That means your periods are irregular.
Also read: How to Get Periods Immediately in One Hour
There are multiple causes of irregularity in periods;
Irregular periods Treatment:
An irregular period treatment is very important as it may cause infertility issues. Sometimes your periods become irregular after the birth of your children or near menopause (stopping of menstruation). You must visit your gynecologist and seek treatment for this problem.
The treatment options depend on the cause of the irregularity. If you have a hormonal problem, you will get an online consultation with a female specialist and take therapy for your hormones.
If you have issues like polyps, fibroids, or cysts, your health provider may advise you on a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus).
Diet and exercise are very important for your gynecological health. Obesity is one of the major causes of irregularity in periods as it worsens PCOS. You need to take a proper diet with a lot of vitamins and protein and reduce the number of carbohydrates. Try to do regular exercise and take supplements for your fitness. For any further queries, you can consult the best gynecologists in Pakistan through Marham.