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Asking For Self, Female, 38 Years old, DHA karachi
I have been taking fenoget 67 mg once a day since 4 to 5 month. I have been subscribed this medicine by dr .but till i use my triglycrides ok when i stop taking my triglcrise rise again what to do ?
Continue meds and contact ur dr
Thanks for sharing ur concern, Ur levels are still very high. U can book an online appointment to talk about the change in medication, diet and level or required physical activity.
Any other comorbid like diabetes or family history of high cholesterol...
Plz first try to modify your diet.. These medicines only work if u keep check on your diet..
Avoid oily and fried stuff.. Use olive oil in cooking..
Take these medicines for 6 months then repeat test on empty stomach..
keep taking the medicines
walk for 3kms a day
take balanced diet
take thyroid function tests
you should use tab regularly for life as It controls triglycerides levels rather cure
don't on alternate days
You may be having a family history of hyper triglycerides so continue with the drug take it at night
Get a fasting blood sugar done
Ultrasound of abdomen
get TSH done
continue this medicine and repeat triglycerides after 2 months
You have got hyperlipidemia as both cholesterol and triglycerides are raised. If both of them reduce with fenoget 67 mg then continue taking and reduce the fat in your diet . It should not be more than 10% of the total caloric requirement. Exercise and smoking cessation should be done . You should use take omega three fatty acids. Once a day fish oil by CCL is a better option .!start with capsules per day . You can go up to 4 and it will help you in lowering the triglyceride levels
Life style modification is very important, if you do not have any family history then look at what you active you are and how much you weigh .continue medications and learn how to change your life style
Post Owner
Thanks alot for ur suggestions all Sirs & Madam may Allah (Swt ) Will reward you all. Ameen .
It is better to continue your Medicine,
Also take care of your diet and exercise
If still some issue, you can consult online
Considering ur age ur lipids r very much deranged. Long standing use of lipid lowering drugs has got some side effects too. In young age v have to rule out some causes /may b familial as well. U need detailed consultation/thorough history n record examination. Regards.
first and formost advice would be to continue the medication. you also need to see a metabolic diseases specialist (if available in Pakistan) to look into a possiblity of familial dyslipidaemias.
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