Author: Samiha Khan

Samiha is self-motivated writer. She has done BS hons in Human Development and Family Studies. She is versatile, creative and voraciously curious writer. She strives for quality in everything she do. She is a learner who likes to share her learning outcomes through her writings.

Do you watch “vampire diaries” an American supernatural drama television series? Or have you ever seen “The Twilight Saga”? If yes then you must have known about the vampires very well. And if you haven’t watched these series, still we all have heard vampire’s stories in our childhood. So, it isn’t something unknown to most of the people. We have always been told that vampires don’t exist and it’s nothing but a fiction. But what if I say, real-life vampires do exist? Hard to believe? Right? Well, it’s not like that people turn into bats, become immortal or sleep in…

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Each one of us wants a perfect and beautiful smile. Now we all know that teeth are the major parts of the smile that’s why Teeth Whitening is among the most popular cosmetic dental processes. It’s the process that improves your smile by restoring the natural color of your teeth. While if you think that it’s just for the movie stars and despite wanting this so hard, you can’t get this. Then you are wrong! Your desire for a brighter smile with whiter teeth can be fulfilled too. You may not have heard this before bus yes it’s not just…

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When I was in grade 6, I was diagnosed with jaundice. I still remember each and everything that I had to go through that time. Not because I suffered a lot but because I was on a strict diet that I had to follow. I was a kid so I had no idea why is it so important to eat healthy for a healthy liver. But now I understand whatever we eat and drink has a direct impact on our liver function. It’s your liver that processes everything you eat and drink and helps your body take in nutrients from…

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Whenever we are upset, we think of a lot of things which can help us reduce the stress. For some people, just eating a pack of cookies works well while for some going out with friends helps in the best way. But believe me; whenever your stress level hit new heights nothing could be more effective than yoga. Yes! That’s true. Yoga can be an effective way to clear your mind while giving your body the attention it deserves. According to many studies, yoga can promote overall health and well-being in many ways. So, if you’re having rough days and…

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Many people take blood thinners to prevent the formation of blood clots and stroke. However, if you’ve been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (an abnormal heart rhythm or heart rhythm disorder) then, in this case, your doctor may also recommend taking blood thinners. Your body creates clots to stop the excess bleeding but in several conditions, it can be fatal for you. In such conditions, blood thinners work as life savior. However, there are some important things to keep in mind if you take any blood thinners. 1.Be careful Mixing Medications: Always talk to your doctor before you combine any medicines.…

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Environmental issues and pollutions are extremely hazardous problems that the world is facing today. Pakistan is also one of those countries where environmental problems are expanding violently with the progression of time. We definitely want to see Pakistan without any environmental issue but currently, there are lots of challenges. If we only talk about the twin cities of Pakistan, then it is extremely saddening to state that environmental problems in these cities are not only expanding but also stressing the health of the residents. Like, other big cities Rawalpindi is badly affecting by the environmental issues and pollution. There are…

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Have you ever experienced smelling things that aren’t there or have no source? If yes! Then don’t worry, many of us probably imagine or experience such things once in our lives when we feel extreme hunger. It is just a fun fact because experiencing this once in a while is not a big deal. However, if you’re experiencing this on a regular basis then you’re suffering from a condition called phantosmia (phantom smells). What Is Phantosmia? It is a condition in which you smell odors that aren’t there. The types of odors you smell in this condition vary from person…

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We as Muslims are allowed to eat what is Halal and good. Allah the beneficent, the merciful has blessed us with a wide variety of food, which is pure, clean, healthy, nourishing, and pleasant to taste. We obey Allah Almighty by eating these allowed foods (Halal) and avoiding the forbidden foods (Haram) which are mentioned in the Quran. However, in this destroyed society we don’t know how often we are fed up with Haram food. All of us are now living with this fear and guilt in our hearts. And it all started when we got to know that different…

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A kidney transplant is the best treatment option for many people living with chronic kidney disease. With a new working kidney, you don’t have to attend lengthy dialysis appointments and you can get back to your normal life if you want. However, a transplant is not a cure and it’s important for you to take care of many things after a kidney transplant. To stay healthy and avoid any further complications, you’ll still need to work harder than those who have their own healthy kidneys. So here are some health considerations for you that will help you to keep your…

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You may hear about someone who has had a heart attack or someone who suffered cardiac arrest. People frequently use these terms conversely, yet they are not equivalent words. A heart attack is when the bloodstream to the heart is blocked, and cardiac arrest is the point at which the heart breakdowns and all of a sudden stop beating unexpectedly. A heart attack is a “circulation” issue and cardiac arrest is an “electrical” issue. People often confuse the terms but you need to know that there is a difference between heart attack and cardiac arrest. The uncertainty may originate from…

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