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Talk to Pediatrician on Loose Frequent Poops


Asking for Other, Male, 0.3 years old, Jhelum

my 3 and a half month old son had frequent pooping since a week. firstly they were green and watery i visited dr. and after taking serups now he has frequent yellow poops seems like dehydration he is normal but i think having abdominal cramps while pooping. please suggest me what to do.

Pediatrician in Karachi - Dr. Summera Mehdi

Dr. Summera Mehdi - Pediatrician

MBBS, DCH, RMP | Karachi


124 Positive Reviews

its normal n use only colic drops for abdominal cramps.




Post Owner

thankyou for your response.
but i want to ask that usually he poops once a day but now its very irregular and frequent. what can be the reason and how long it can last. i am worried about him.

6 years ago

Pediatrician in Bahawalpur - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iqbal Ahmad

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Iqbal Ahmad - Pediatrician

MBBS, FCPS | Bahawalpur


41 Positive Reviews

Nothing to be worry. Give ecotec sachet once in a day for 3 days and colibid drops 5 drops before feed 3 times a day




Post Owner

okay. thankyou

6 years ago

Member of Marham-Forum

Our son is 2 months old and is having loose poops since last week or so. First he was on mother feed + meiji(once or twice a day) but then 2 weeks ago my wife had an operation on one of her breasts because it was infected quite badly and the concerned doctor said not to give mother feed to son. After that, our son was only on bottle feed (meiji) and started having loose poops and then we visited a child specialist and he changed meiji to isomil. After changing bottle feed milk (meiji to isomil), loose poops stopped for a few days but then again he started to vomit and loose poops started again and now hes pooping 10 to 12 times a day.
Can you kindly suggest? Im very worried for our son.

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