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Talk to Pediatrician on Undecended Testis


Asking for Father, Male, 0.6 years old, Hyderqbad

Assalam o alikum. My son is six month of age and his right testis is not visible in his scrotum and it looks like that his right scotum is not fully develop i mean its flate looks like,i wanted to know when and where should i contact,i can goto karachi and islamabad for consultation. please guide me what to do before i goto piediatric surgeon.i would like to know the best experenced piediatric surgeon who have alot experience in undecended testis surgeory in karachi and islamabad

Pediatrician in Multan - Asst. Prof. Dr. Maria Saleem

Asst. Prof. Dr. Maria Saleem - Pediatrician

MBBS, FCPS | Multan


2 Positive Reviews

it should be operated as soon as possible if it is undescended testes.u first confirm the diagnosis by visiting a peadiatric surgeon.u can get operated from AKUH or Liaqat National hospital from Karachi.



Pediatrician in Karachi - Dr. Syed Muhammad Shafaat Shah

Dr. Syed Muhammad Shafaat Shah - Pediatrician

MBBS, FCPS | Karachi


23 Positive Reviews

You need to consult Pediatric sugeon, who will check if it is retractile or undescended testis and may advise ultrasound to confirm the position of testis in inguinal canal and will give you plan for sugery. Dr Saqib Qazi and Dr Sohail Asghar Dogar are good Pediatric surgeons at AKUH, Karachi.
Remember that for undescended testis surgery is a must and should be done before 1 year of age.



Pediatrician in Hyderabad - Dr. Saima Shaikh

Dr. Saima Shaikh - Pediatrician

MBBS, MCPS (Paeds), MRCPCH- 2 | Hyderabad


2 Positive Reviews

U should visit pediatric surgeon for thorough examination for diagnosis either it's undescendent testes or retractile or something else at AKU ,LNH or ziauddin hospital.



Pediatrician in Hyderabad - Dr. Saima Shaikh

Dr. Saima Shaikh - Pediatrician

MBBS, MCPS (Paeds), MRCPCH- 2 | Hyderabad


2 Positive Reviews

If u r in Hyderabad u can consult Dr nand Lal kella or Dr mumtaz Qureshi for this.



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