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Asking For Self, Male 37, karachi
female age 37 got my test date a week ago and find out that my vitamins D level is 10 which should be 30.I feel pain and a burning like feeling in left knee while bending during prayers or I go away in a minute or two and it occurs in 2 3 days report was fine with Hb 11.4.
Get your complete Nutritional Assessment done by the Dietitian via Online Consultation before taking any Supplements. You can book an appointment with me.
book your appointment
u have to book appointment with me
and increase intake of vit D enriched foods like milk , yogurt etc
you should take supplements of Vit D from medical store...Also add yogurt and egg in your diet...for morr and proper guidelines book an appointment with me
Aoa, supplementation of vitamin D And Ca should be done, further you can take appointment for diet plan.
plz book appointment with me
take sunny D or indrop D(1 per 15 days)
Take 2 whole egg In breakfast. 1cup of greek yoghurt. Tab Sunny D one tablet after one week
As it's clear with your value now you need to focus on your vitamin D levels and all those food items which gave good amount of vitamin D in them including yogurt. milk. cheese but most import sunlight
take vitamin D 2 lac IU once a week.
or book appointment for details
you can take chewcal tabs and take vit d rich diet
take indrop D inj.
your doctor must give you vitamin D supplements.
You can keep these food itens in yiyr diet
Egg yolk, Cod liver oil supplements
Salmon Fish abd drink at least 2 glass of Cow milk daily.
Foods that are calcium-fortified, such as some orange juice, oatmeal, and breakfast cereal can also be included in your diet
use vitamin D rsupplements and diet rich in Vitamin D
Take 1 inj indrop d in milk after 10 days for a month
normal level of vitamin D= 30 or above
it means deficiency of vit sould have to add Fatty fish, like tuna, and salmon.Foods fortified with vitamin D, like some dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, and cereals.Beef liver.Cheese.Egg yolks..and take
inj.INDROP D once in 15 days... 6 injections are sufficient and recheck your vitamin D level after 3 months.
take nutrifactor bonex-D on daily basis after 2 hours of breakfast . but dont take tea within 2 hours of taking medicine
take indrop D injection once in 15 days in milk .and do walk for 5 minutes in morning on grass those sun rays will help to increase your vit D level more then anything else.but do remember to walk in early morning after fajar prayer that "thandi dhop" is a good source of vit D.thanx
book online appointment for diet chart and other suggestions
Send me your report I’ll tell you suitable supplements inshahAllah you will recover soon
book your appointment.
Consultant doctor and start Indrop-D
Rabia Shakeel
Take Vitamin D inj in milk once in a week for 6 weeks and then after 2 weeks (fortnightly) for 3 months
Kindly book your appointment via marham or visit my karachi clinic
Book appointment with me I’ll be there inshahAllah
try to compensate your vitamin d levels with diet along with supplement. book online appointment with me for detailed consultation and diet plan
Avoid cold drinks and fast foods completely, and if you have will power to follow diet plan then get an Appointment at this number 042-32591427, , or whats app
For diet plan:
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