Under the field of medicine, a very important discipline lies which is known as Urology. It is derived from a Greek word which means as the study of urine. But it is a very vast discipline that involves the surgical and medical diseases of the male and female urinary tract system as well as the male reproductive system.
It is mainly concerned with the disorders of all of the organs included in the urinary system such as kidneys, ureters, urethras and urinary bladder etc.
What is Endourology?
One of the sub-disciplines of urology is Endourology and we may describe it as
“The branch of urology that deals with the minimally invasive surgical procedures involved in the closed manipulation of the urinary tract.”
It is opposite to the normal surgical processes and involves the use of small cameras and instruments inserted to the urinary tract system. This development in this field has made the treatments very easy and economical to the patients.
This technique has been proved very useful due to its vast span of applications because this is not only used for the treatment purpose. In addition, it may help to determine the reason of kidney stone development as well as in the identification of methods that can be used to prevent the further development of stones.
Professional practitioners of this field who deal with all these problems and tries to rectify them are called as the Urologists.
How Does this Department Work?
It counts in the major departments of a clinical or hospital setup. All the cases related to urinary tracts are forwarded to urologists in the Endourology department. This mainly involves the patients suffering from the kidney stones. Initially, urologists diagnose the problem through recommended examination and then suggest the proper treatment for the disease. They do not only focus on the treatment but also on the further prevention of the same disease through proper management systems.
This treatment includes the performance of surgeries depending upon the condition of a patient along with the usage of medications.
What Services Have Been Provided Under This Department?
There are several procedures that have been used in the treatment of kidney stones and these procedures involve the following:
This procedure is being used for the treatment of any kind of blockages or strictures in the urethra.
It is a useful procedure for the removal of bladder stones and tumors. There is another method that has the same approach and this is called as TURP and this is utilized in the removal of obstructive prostate tissues.
This technique involves the insertion of flexible plastic tubes in the ureter which are commonly known as stents in order to remove the blockages. This passage is assisted by the cystoscopy and x-rays.
This technique is being used for the removal and management of the tumors and stones in the ureters.
This treatment is specified for the tumors and stones which appear in the kidney linings
You can find the best Urologist near you in all main cities of Pakistan.