Author: Mehmood Asghar

He is a dentist, and an Assistant Professor of Dental Biomaterials. He obtained Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) and Master in Philosophy (M Phil) degree in Dental Materials from Army Medical College, Rawalpindi (NUST). Apart from his professional duties at a local dental school in Lahore, in his spare time he also writes educational blogs on topics related to dentistry and medicine.

When did you last get the teeth of your baby examined by a professional dentist? “Do I really need to?”, you may well ask back. Indeed, you must. Even if there are no complaints. Ideally, a baby’s teeth should be examined by a professional by the time he or she is one year old. Let it be a part of the birthday gifts. By regular inspections, you are preventing the possibility of childhood caries-or cavities in baby teeth. What Happens When Your Child has Teeth Cavities? If caries develops, not only will your child suffer discomfort, but you will also…

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