Author: Dr. Syed Hunain Riaz

We all experience events to be cherished in our lives, which gave us highs and brought out the livelier sides. But as they say, what goes up must come down. The lowest ebbs are also a reality that we must fathom at one point in our lives or the other. Turbulations, betrayals, losses, all these can wreak havoc on the sanest of minds. The effects of psychological illnesses and certain personality traits (Type A personalities) are compounded by the situations we face in our daily lives and how we react to them. If you want to know the biological aspects…

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Sleep, which we all take for granted, is critical in regulating important brain and body functions. From recharging our batteries after a long day at work to maintaining the complex hormone axis of the brain-body interaction. Sleep physiology and disorders are far too broad to cover in a single article, but I will walk you through the fundamentals, excluding the more technical details. How Much Sleep Do You Get? As we get older, our sleep requirements decrease. From nearly all-day sleep in toddlers to 7–9 hours on average for adults, to barely 6 hours in people over the age of…

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