Do you sit for long hours in front of your computer screen? Do you have a backache all the time? And you are wondering why this is not going away even after taking a variety of painkillers? If you want to know the precautionary measures for your back, you should read this article till the end!
Sitting for long periods of time without standing or stretching also contributes to back pain in the office. Little movement during the day can compress the intervertebral discs in your spine and force the water out. This causes the spinal discs to bulge, putting pressure on the spinal nerve.
The main reason for this is that sitting, whether in an office chair or otherwise, is a static posture that increases stress in the back, shoulders, arms, and legs, and, in particular, can add significant pressure to the back muscles and spinal discs.
Precautionary Measures For Your Back
Hunching over a PC is a main cause why 4 out of 5 men & women came with crippling & immobilized lower backache in some point in their lives. But, some easy modifications or changes in the way you study or do your long hour sitting jobs can make your pain completely vanish. So, do you spend most of your days in classes? Here are 9 ways you cannot let the sitting posture affect your back & spine.
Read Also: 7 Helpful Solutions To Back Pain Problem
Keep Your Head-Up
Regardless of whether or not you’re slouching or sitting up tall, doing eye-hand activities on a flat surface that’s too low or your material too close to the edge would force you to look down at an angle which will pull your head and neck down and forward. So, keep attention on aligning your head and neck right above your shoulders & avoid straining forward.
Reposition Yourself & Sit Within Reach
In sitting, the primary step in getting your head into a balanced position is to re-position your pelvis. Sitting with your chair positioned sideways to table provides you with arm support and reduces the forward bending forces on the spine. Therefore, Your torso or body should be about an arm’s length aloof from the monitor, that should be ‘2 to 3’ inch above your eye level.
Find The Right Angle
By merely, elevating your writing and reading surface or typewriter, you’ll decrease the bend between the head and neck. By permitting a more “level-headed” position, slant boards will significantly scale back strain to muscular and joint tissues. Try placing your materials on an oversized three-ring binder, even this slight modification in angle is usually enough to make you notice a positive distinction. In addition, position your knees at 90 degrees, directly over your ankles, this can keep your spine well upright.
Take Breaks
Getting up at least once an hour, like going to the lavatory at your university or just doing some shoulder rolls reduces pressure on spinal disks and boosts circulation. The payoff, you’ll be more limber and less stressed. If you have been sitting too long already, hunt down a tall, chest/shoulder height counter or desk that enables you to prop yourself up through your arms so, as to read or write comfortably for a couple of minutes while standing.
Plant Your Feet
If by sitting back in your workplace or classroom chair you find that your feet don’t touch or grope the ground, you definitely need a foot rest or, better yet a chair with an adjustable height. If your feet are dangling or you feel them drooping, the muscles on the spine get activated, and neck or back pain could be a common result. The footrest ought to be high enough to support the feet while not raising the knees up much higher than the hips. If it’s the right height, you’ll feel more comfortable right away. For this reason, Dr. Farrukh Chaudhry advice you to “Keep your feet flat on the ground and shoulder-width apart to quiet tension in your knees and ankles”.
Support Your Head To Relax Your Neck & Stretch Your Shoulders
If you lean against your head on your hand, the muscles around the neck will yield, and this unloads the joints. This can be useful during sustained reading or writing activities in your library.
Roll your shoulder back and down, and square them over your hips. Imagine that you’re balancing a plate on your head, and you don’t need it to fall off.
No More Phone Cradling
Pinning or affixing the phone between your shoulder and ear whereas you multitask is a reflex move, and it’s a murder on your neck. Use a headset or speakerphone for any conversation that lasts more than 5 minutes. Holding the phone by scrunching or crumpling your neck and shoulders together is usually set to release your hands. When you do this consistently over a period of time, it unremarkably aggravates or causes numerous pain issues in the head, neck, and shoulders. Furthermore, you can attempt any of the subsequent phone alternatives-
- Hold the receiver in the hand opposite your writing hand and become aware enough to keep the shoulder and neck on this side relaxed.
- Use commercially accessible phone sets that match the handle. These inexpensive items facilitate stabilizing the receiver onto your shoulder so that it will stay next to your shoulder so that it’ll stay next to your ear and mouth without your tightening up to hold it there.
- In some cases, speakerphones or headsets could also be practical and effective.
Don’t Cross Your Legs
Sitting cross-legged makes it tough to keep your spine straight and shoulders squared, and you risk overstretching the muscles around the pelvis, Increasing your risk of varicose veins by interrupting blood flow. Thus spread out, unfold and relax.
Quit Squinting And Straining
This is particularly common once you use a laptop computer as your primary computer, you got to lean forward to reach keys or see the screen. A technique to unravel the problem is to attach a separate monitor and keyboard.
For any further guidance or help regarding tech neck trauma or disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves or multiple sclerosis. You can find the best neuro physicians in Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad and other main cities of Pakistan via
Book an appointment now to answer all your queries. You can book an appointment with the top health specialists through Marham by calling Marham helpline: 0311-1222398 or by online booking facility through the website or Marham mobile app.
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