Author: Tayyaba Waris

She is a student of Ph.D. molecular biology at Comsats University, Islamabad. She is working on the causes and treatment of male infertility. She has also worked on liver disease and its herbal treatments and has recently got her paper published in the National journal of Natural Pharmaceuticals. At Marham, she writes about hot medical issues and general health problems.

Who doesn’t like a bright shiny smile? An assortment of teeth-whitening agents is on market shelves, including toothpaste and rinses, over-the-counter gels and hundreds of flossing aids. But even then whitening isn’t for everyone. It’s only for people who have healthy teeth and gums. And those who could not maintain healthy oral status and are unable to show their shiny whites can regain a shiny smile by dental cosmetic techniques. These procedures are carried out by some of the best dentists in Karachi, Lahore and in other main cities of Pakistan as well. You can find a dentist near you…

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Localized burning, throbbing or stabbing pain followed by rash appearance within days to weeks, some people may describe it as itch but actually, it is the sign of shingles. It can be constant or may come and go, but it is necessary to get rid of it. Why? Who likes to be live with itchiness especially when it can be dangerous? Yes, shingles can be dangerous. You are clueless about these, read about it here. How can Shingles be Dangerous? Itchy sensation forcefully takes your hand to the itchy area and you do to calm the restlessness. If that area…

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Having a physically disabled child is probably the most painful thing for any parent. You are perplexed that how he or she will lead life. You cannot reverse his disability but can train him to live better. Take a deep breath and get ready to prepare him for better living. Following tips will help you in this course. Interact: The biggest problem for parents and each adult is to interact with a special child. Make your interaction better by avoiding the question as they hate it, try to be polite, touch him more, take his hands in your hands and…

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You might think that nutrient deficiency is an ancient thing but even today, it’s possible to lack some of the essential nutrients especially the vitamins which your body needs to function optimally. Even the healthy food eaters can be the victim of vitamin deficiency. But you can track the vitamin deficiency if you keenly observe. How many of below-mentioned symptoms are you experiencing? Brittle Finger Nails: When your body is running low on nutrients especially the mineral iron, some body parts become weak and pale. Brittle fingernails, or toenails, are main indications of this. Your skin also becomes dry, dull…

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Physical fitness is the first requisite of healthy life. Chronic pain, stiff joints and cramped muscles are major question marks on your health status. Many people think surgeries are the last key in the ring for permanent relief in these conditions. True somehow, but have you heard about physiotherapy or its working miracles? If no, then before going to surgery try it once and to know its benefits read the post till the end. Problematic Knees: Physiotherapy combined with medication was just as effective as arthroscopic surgery in treating knees affected by osteoarthritis. Physiotherapists are expert enough to remove the…

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Antibiotics are extremely helpful for mankind as they kill disease-causing bacteria, stopping them from multiplying and supporting the body to fight back. But as they are not intelligent enough and can kill good bacteria too, so they can also do some pretty significant damage to the body. If you are unaware of these risks this article will be an eye-opener. Disturbed Gut: You know your gut system is in an order due to a number of beneficial bacteria. Antibiotics are going to town on all kinds of bacteria, good and bad, fully disrupting the order of command in your intestines.…

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You mostly run out the door without breakfast or chose lunch-hour to finish last night’s homework instead of eating or just do not take the meal as you are not feeling hungry? And you know how it affects your body? If ditching meal is by chance than second meal compensates the blank but if you are habitual to bypass the eating routine than be ready to face following health issues. Your Brain Turns Down: Skipping meal pushes your blood sugar level to take a dramatic nosedive. And this dwindled level affects your brain as this vital part mainly runs on…

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Human bodies are mainly comprised of water and require water for proper functioning. On daily basis, each individual is required to drink at least 6 glasses of water. You think it is a hard task to accomplish, after reading health disasters associated with less water intake you will manage to intake surplus amount of water. Fatigue: When you don’t get enough water your body will dehydrate soon and enzymatic activity rate reduced automatically. In result fatigue eventually sets in. It is a serious health problem that makes you feel tired and low in energy all the time. Premature Aging: Our…

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Are you bored sitting at home during pregnancy and look forward to attending friends get to gather, a marriage ceremony or a rock concert soon? Are you pregnant and work in a work environment full of noisy machinery? Are you residing in a big city just across the roads where loud horns of traffic are just a 24 hours routine? Well, if you can relate to any of the above situations reading this post is a must for you. Pregnancy is a critical phase of life when your health and your baby’s development both are at your mercy. Are you…

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You cut your skin and immediately blood clots to save the blood loss, if this happens, you are lucky enough. Hemophilia is a rare disorder in which person’s blood doesn’t clot normally because it lacks blood-clotting proteins if you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a longer time after an injury and sometimes excessive blood loss leads to death. Signs to Track: Signs and symptoms of hemophilia vary, depending on the level of clotting factor deficiency. If the level is mildly reduced, the person may bleed only after surgery or trauma. But if deficiency is severe, spontaneous bleeding or internal…

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