Author: Aiman Usman

She is a pharmacy graduate and worked as a hospital pharmacist. Her interests are teaching, blogging, and scientific writings. She likes to write about medicines, health issues, health and beauty-related natural remedies, the nutritional value of different foods, and mental health.

Is your special day almost here? The day you’ve been looking forward to since you were a little girl. It’s your special day, and everyone is looking at you. And you are worthy of flawless skin. But it needs extra effort and skincare tips to get the perfect skin. After all, bridal skincare involves above and beyond your regular skincare routine. Although great makeup can help, that natural bridal glow makes all the difference and, of course, makes the photographer’s job so much easier. So, don’t ignore the importance of bridal skincare and the time it takes for your skin…

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Have you heard of cosmetic surgery of the nose and wonder what it is all about? Do you want to know the reasons why people opt for nose surgery? In this article, you will learn about the best cosmetologists in Karachi who can help you fix your nose-related problem! Surgeries are performed to alter the shape of the nose; the term used for these types of surgeries is Rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty may be performed to change the nose’s appearance, improve breathing, or both. The upper portion of the nose’s structure is bone, while the lower part is cartilage. Let’s discuss some…

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Finding a good and competent doctor is a problem worldwide. People usually don’t understand where to go to find a good doctor. Sometimes even laymen don’t understand which specialist doctor can help them with treating a specific disease. If you are looking for the best Urologist near you, this article will help you in this regard. Urologists are doctors who specialize in male fertility and the genitourinary tract (kidneys, urinary bladder, adrenal glands, urethra, and male reproductive organs). Urologists are also educated to treat disorders that affect these organs surgically and medically. Urologists can help you treat the following diseases…

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Are you a smoker, and you think your smoking can only affect your lungs? Do you believe there is a connection between smoking and infertility? Do you want to know the harmful effects of your smoking habit on your unborn child and pregnant wife? If you’re going to see the meaning of passive smoking, give your 3 minutes to this article and know the answers. We all know that smoking is injurious to health. Instead, nowadays, teenagers are involved in this habit. Even then, smokers are not willing to quit this habit, and many youngsters are joining this smoking club…

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Have you ever wondered why we add so many spices to our food every day? There must be some logic behind it. That’s why these spices have become an essential part of our daily meals for centuries. One of those spices that are used as a condiment and as a home remedy for several health issues is turmeric. Turmeric is plant originated spice that gives a unique flavor and yellowish color to the curries. It is obtained from the root of a flowering plant named Curcuma longa. The plant is cultivated in South Asian countries and is famous for its vibrant color…

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Are you the one who quickly got burns while cooking? Are you looking for an easy guide to healing burns fast? Having a burn is the most painful injury. It hurts at the time of burn and remains painful until the burn wound completely heals up. Burns are injuries that affect the skin and other tissues. Usually, people consider heat as the only cause of burns. At the same time, burns can also be caused by cold, chemicals, electricity, friction, or ultraviolet radiation in case of sunburn. People typically search on the internet for different methods to heal a burn…

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Although asexuality in some people is a passionate debate nowadays, even then, strong sexual desires are the most common thing experienced by most humans. Irrespective of your sexuality, i-e, whether you are heterosexual, bisexual, or homosexual, having sexual desires is typical behavior in most individuals. But as the excess of everything is bad for your overall health, the same rule applies to sexual desires. People usually feel shy or uncomfortable while talking about their sexual desires or libido. So they try to find solutions for their uncontrolled sexual urges on the internet. Young adults, who realize the terrible effect of…

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Most of the fruits are loved by everyone because of their taste. Some of them are famous due to their well-renowned health benefits. But some fruits are highly underrated. Maybe some people don’t like their taste, or less data is available on their health benefits. One of those fruits is amrud fruit.  Amrud fruit is known as guava in English. It is light greenish-yellow in color. It has a unique odor that can be easily distinguished from other fruits. It is very in tropical and sub-tropical regions. It is grown on a small tree known as Psidium guajava in scientific terminology. Botanically…

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You may know many remedies and medicines that are good for your overall health and skin health also. One of that miraculous naturally occurring minerals is Noshadar that has the scientific name Ammonium Chloride. Have you ever heard of the Noshadar benefits for your health?  Noshadar or noshadar Thikri is also known as Sal ammoniac. It is a rare naturally occurring mineral that is composed of Ammonium Chloride. The mineral is commonly formed on burning coal dumps from the condensation of coal-derived gases and can also be present in some types of volcano vents. The mineral is used in our…

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Man has always been searching for foods that can be beneficial for the health and provide some extra energy. Apart from the common fruits and vegetables, man has even tried the gums, mucilage, and gels obtained from the plants. Kamarkas is one of the best examples of those plant secretions that have been used for centuries by man. To know kamarkas benefits, you need to give your valuable 3 minutes to read this article till the end.  Kamarkas word is derived from the Hindi language, which means waist tightening (Kamar-waist and kas-tightening). Kamarkas is the secretion obtained from the plant…

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